Chapter 15.

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"Garcia." a sharp tone entered her ears and she instantly looked up, attempting to look innocent. Hotch stood uptop on the raised floor of the office, leaning over the bar, glaring right at her. "Sir?" she questioned as her eyes met his forever stern gaze. "May I see you in my office for a moment?" he asked carefully and without waiting on an answer, he soon dissapeared back into the room behind him.

Garcia stood to her feet and then she dragged her tired body across the room and up the short flight of stairs leading to Hotchner's frequently feared office.

She entered and gave him a soft smile, somehow hoping that this would calm whatever nerve she had touched with him. He nodded to the seat in front of where he sat at his desk. Carefully, but with a hint of worry in her steps, Garcia walked over to it and sat herself down. It was almost as if the chair was forcing her to feel the tension in the room and almost making her feel guilty for whatever wrong she had supposedly done.

Aaron gave her a swift look over before he spoke, "So, how are you doing?" He questioned. his voice was weirdly calm. Penelope, confused, furrowed her brows slighty, but then relief overcame her and she found herself in a better mood. "Um, not too bad. If finding out a good friend of yours almost had a baby with the man of your dreams isn't bad, then yeah I'm great" she said sarcastically. "and then the man of my dreams introduces me to his mom and family, sweeping me off my feet for us to return home within the next day he completely ignores me shutting me out for weeks!" Garcia explained angrily. "omg, I'm sorry sir. I did not mean to rant" she pleaded.

Hotchner frowned at her, "It's ok, I expect you to feel this way, that's why I brought you in here." his tone slipped into a more concerned state as he stared over at her. This caused Garcia to relax again. Be more relaxed then when she 1st entered the office. "but what about everybody else sir. I'm not sure if the team understands.." she spoke.

Aaron shook his head, but took several seconds to consider what she said. "Oh trust me, they understand. They are happy to know that you and Derek finally shared your love for one another. They are still just.. lost.. and confused. They're still trying to wrap their heads around Derek and Emily having an affair to her losing the baby, to you two and now for you to to be completely awkward." he explained as his glare became less intense but confused. "Rossi is very disappointed in you guys for not saying goodbye to Emily though." he added.

Garcia looked down at his desk for a while, noticing that he still proudly displayed pictures of his son and deseased wife. It took her quite a long time to regain eye contact with him "Yeah, I hope that they forgive me and Derek for that. I mean, I didn't know. I have nothing against Emily. Imma miss her honestly. Like I told Derek, if we would have confessed earlier we could had saved her the heartache." Penelope was convinced.

The room was quiet again for a moment. Garcia went into her thoughts and remembered Derek was in trouble with the board and was going to be questioned the next day about his fling with Emily. They had broken a rule and were in line for a lot of trouble. But with Emily leaving the country it was sure to be waved. "Oh but sir, what about me and Derek? he's already in enough trouble" Emily squeaked.

At this, Hotch simply wanted Garcia to calm down. He shrugged and managed to mask a sly smile. But, of course, Garcia soon noticed that something was going on. "...What?" she asked in major confusion. It was almost as if Hotch had just told a joke that Garcia did not get.

"You're the computer tech analyst. you and Morgan are allowed to date. Yeah you're still co workers and apart of the same team but what Emily and Derek had is nothing like you and him. Strauss doesn't need to know anything.

Suddenly, a sharp few knocks were heard at the door. Garcia turned her head over to the door and squinted at it with interest. In her head, she played a little guessing game of 'who is it?' to amuse herself while Hotch stood to his feet and approached the door. He opened it to reveal Derek Morgan casually standing, hands in pockets, staring back at him. "JJ needs to speak with you." He announced and Hotch nodded at this.

"Alright." he replied and began to walk out the door, almost forgetting about Garcia's existance. He then rememebered her sitting there and looked back over his shoulder. "Excuse me, Garcia. I will be around ten minutes, if you don't mind?" He questioned politely. To this, Garcia shook her head and waved him off "No, it's fine. Really." she insisted. Hotch smiled at her before walking away.

Derek still remained at the door, looking at her with his big brown eyes. She smiled at him, but to no effect. This worried her, had she done something wrong? Had she insulted him? She hoped not. Derek had been avoiding her for the past 10 days. Derek..?" she said slolwy as she sat upright in her chair.

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