Chapter 10.

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Derek and Penelope arrived to Derek's mom house. He got out of the SUV and went to Garcias side to open it. She stepped out and fixed her skirt. She was beautiful, wearing purple heels, a purple fitting skirt and a white blouse with rumples in the front. she had on her usual many bracelets and purple dangling earrings. Derek stepped ahead opening the gate for her. His mom stayed in an apartment building. It looked like a high rise but they were still in the projects. Garcia stood still for a moment giving herself a pep talk.

"baby girl are you nervous?" he asked with a smile

"I am" she said quickly although she didn't plan to let him in on that information

He shook his head and laughed sum quietly. He stepped back over to her and put his hand on her back guiding her through the gates of the building. They got on another elevator and Derek pushed the number 9.

"Is she at the top?" Garcia asked

"No. there's only 12 floors in the building. She's close" he replied standing with his hands behind his back.

Derek was wearing his usual fitted shirt with jeans. He still even had his gun belt on. Garcia smiled at her hunk of chocolate standing beside her. She still was in disbelief that this was all happening, that she finally was going to meet his mom. Was he really using her as a decoy to be able to leave her house early or did he really want them to meet? Garcia pierced her eyes some deep in her thoughts and emotions because she was nervous as heck. "what if I say the wrong thing, what if I drop something?" she attacked herself in her mind but soon the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Derek stepped out first lending her a hand to grab as she followed. They stood in front of his door and he looked at her.

"You ready?" he asked in a whisper

She couldn't speak so just nodded.

He squeezed her hand and smiled.

"Just relax, she won't bite" he assured her as he knocked on the door.

Inside you could hear last minute rummaging of chairs being moved and feet.

Garcia raised an eyebrow to the sound of footsteps looking over at Derek for answer. He shook his head and let out a sarcastic "hah".

"Brace yourself for my sisters" he said out the side of his mouth

Garcia gulped and tried to remain strong as she was now even more nervous.

The door flung open and it was Derek's younger sister Desiree.

"Desiree" Derek said as he stepped him and Penelope inside the apartment.

Desiree closed the door behind them and turned her head to shout "Mama Derek's here, and he brought a girl!" she finished in a teasing mannor

Derek turned to snatch up Desiree but she dodged him. "Shhh" he said through clenched teeth

Garcia couldn't help but too laugh. The interaction was cute to her.

Immediately Derek's oldest sister Sarah appeared from out the bathroom. She stood in front of them and smiled an intimidating smile which made Garcia feel rather uncomfortable. Sarah didn't look like Derek or Desiree so Garcia figured she must look like his mother because her skin tone was lighter.

"Hellooo" Sarah said deviously.

Derek caught the mood and was instantly annoyed

"Sarah this is Penelope, Penelope Sarah" he said short giving Sarah an eye

Sarah gave her brother a look back then relaxed some

"Well, Penelope welcome to our mothers home." she said with a bit annoyance in her voice walking over to the table.

Derek exchanged a look at Garcia and rolled his eyes. It distracted Garcia making her feel comfortable again.

"Where's mom?" Derek asked in a demanding voice

"I'm right here son" a soft voice came from beside them down the hallway.

Soon in appearance was Derek's mother. Fran Morgan.

Penelope was shocked and instantly had a big smile on her face. She didn't know Derek's mother was Caucasian. This made her feel really comfortable for some reason.

Derek walked up to hug his mom. He gave her that tender tight grip type of hug.

"Oh Derek, remember your mother is small" she giggled beneath him as he drew back from the hug and gave her cheek a kiss. He then guided his mom to Garcia.

"Mama I want you to meet someone" he told her with happiness in his voice.

Fran looked Garcia over then a big smile appeared to her face. She stepped up to Garcia and rested her hands on her cheeks.

"It's nice to finally meet you Penelope" she said with the kindest words.

Garcia never felt so welcomed. She could just slap herself for ever being a bit of nervous.

"How'd do you know my name?" Garcia asked curiously still smiling

"Ohhh, your name is no secret in this house. Over the years Derek has talked about you."

"A lot" his sister Desiree added to the conversation

They all laughed

"Aww sweeting you talk about me?" Garcia traded Derek and went to pinch his cheek.

Derek blushed "thanks mom for rattin on me" he joked as he seated them all at the table.

Fran had breakfast ready for them all to eat. Stacks of pancakes, all the bacon, sausage and eggs you could eat. It was feast. Garcia watched his family dig in and little fights here and there which made her giggle. She never experienced a family before. She was the only child growing up and both of her parents died when she was a teen so to be apart of a family of 4 was exciting to her. She could get use to this.

Derek Morgan, The Player That He Is... 02.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin