"Oh no, I am not in the least fatigued, and I am very curious to determine whether your device was sufficient enough to make me walk as before."

Standing up with help of both his hands, Rose found her foot to be better than ever. She leaned on it, first a little tentative, but soon with full weight. She felt nothing of the obtained injury and marvelled again at the brilliance of the man before her.

She knelt down again to put her shoe back on and the Doctor picked up the almost empty basket.

"Please, leave it here. We will return for it later. Don't bother yourself on carrying it any further, for no good reason."

The Doctor obeyed readily and held out his arm. Rose, aiming to secure a more intimate gesture, shook her head and shyly held out her hand. The Doctor smiled and took it, wrapping his long fingers firmly about hers.

"You amaze me, Miss Tyler," the Doctor began after a few minutes of walking towards the trees.

"How so?"

"You accept a rare design such as my tool, without much ado. I would have thought – no, yours is not to be compared to the commonplace female intelligence. You have outshone those on many occasions before. From the first moment I met you, I suspected you above all people might be able to grasp the concept of what I plan on showing you."

"You have created more wondrous inventions?"

"There is one, of whom I cannot claim construction nor design, that is however in my care. I only fear it will seem – shall I say – too alien for you, to be comfortable with."

"You only heighten my curiosity in uttering such statement. Is it nearby? Can we go see?"

"We can. However I must ask of you beforehand, not to disclose its presence to an other living soul. On first sight it may not look like much, and is easily forgotten. But should it, for some reason be taken from me, I would be in great distress."

"Rest assured, I will take you secrets with me to the grave. Also, should you ever have enough faith in me to reveal to me your true name, I will not mention that to another living being either."

There was a smile on Rose's face, while mentioning that last detail. She was quite resolved in naming the gentleman for the rest of her days, nothing other than the Doctor. Though she did not stop wishing for a regard shown to her by a confession of true identity.

After a short ponderous silence, the Doctor spoke: "Where I come from, a name is given to reflect one's soul. Should one utter it, that person would have a claim on me. Only those, whose reliability is sound, are entrusted with the secret so dangerous; that it could destroy me."

Rose was momentarily stunned, for she did not expect such a revelation. When again finding her composure, she asked: "And if I may, those who do know your name-"

"There is no one left."

The gravity of those words, gave more apprehension than all recent experienced consternation. Rose gasped and placed her free hand instantly on theirs joined together.

"I am so sorry. I presume those closest to you in familiar intimacy where among them? Can you tell me what happened? I understand fully if you wish to remain silent of the matter, but please understand I only ask out of concern and a heartfelt wish to know you better."

The Doctor stood still for a moment, looked at the young girl beside him and then briefly caressed her face with his free hand.

The result was instantaneous. Rose felt her heartbeat quicken considerably. Never before had any man other than her father toughed her so affectionate. Her cheeks flushed bright red, her eyes became wide and her lips parted a little. She took her left hand abrupt from theirs and turned away abashed. Therefore she did not see the tender smile the Doctor bestowed on her.

In want of a wife (A Dr. Who fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now