Chapter 22: Duck Hunt

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I gasped in horror as we walked outside to Subspace and saw five Rayquazas in the distance, staring at us. And I wasn't alone when I gasped.

"We're doomed..." I said.

 First of all, though, you're probably can a dog talk and think? Well, here's an answer: I'm special. I mean, if that mystery-solving dog (whatever his name is) can talk, why can't I talk? Anyway, back to the story...

The Rayquazas started to slither toward us, growling.

"Alright, everyone! Charge!" Meta Knight shouted, and started sprinting. He was joined by everyone else, including me. I threw a clay pigeon at Rayquaza and activated my Clay Shooting move, and three shots came out of nowhere, hitting the Rayquaza and destroying the clay pigeon. The Rayquaza roared in anger and a red light started forming around it's mouth.

"Run!" Samus' voice said from behind me. I turned around and quickly sprinted out of the Rayquaza's range. The Rayquaza fired a red energy ball, which hit the ground and released a small shockwave. I jumped over it, and I heard the Rayquaza roar when Ike hit it with an Aether. Time to call in some buddies! I thought, and used my Wild Gunmen move, and made a pixel hunter appear. The Wild Gunman saw the Rayquaza in front of him, then shot it before disappearing. The Rayquaza bellowed, and lunged forward. I moved out of the way, as did everyone else behind me. "I've got a Charge Shot! Move!" Samus said, and I double-jumped upward. A blue energy ball went under me and hit the charging Rayquaza, stunning it.

"Now! Smash attack it, everyone!" The Mii brawler Logan said, and we formed an oval around the stunned Rayquaza and hit it with a barrage of quick Smash attacks and special moves. The stunned Rayquaza died and disappeared. I turned behind me, the others were doing well. Peach charged at a Rayquaza, frying pan in hand, and smacked the Rayquaza with it. I looked around; three Rayquazas were left. We're winning! I thought, but then a large green and blue blast knocked us all off of our feet, and killed the remaining Rayquazas. What the-?! I thought as I slowly got back up. A Mii gunner was floating above us in black high-tech armor, his gun smoking. Slowly, the Mii gunner descended, and everyone stood still, ready to attack.

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt you guys." The Mii gunner said, obviously seeing our tension.

"How can we trust you?" Meta Knight said.

"I just took out those Rayquazas! What more do you need?!" The Mii gunner shouted.

"What's your name?" Peach asked him.

"Jack, that's all you need to know. I come from a devastated future where Tabuu has taken over the world. I came here to make sure that you did not suffer the same fate. Besides, if I can see you defeat Tabuu, maybe I can defeat the Tabuu in my timeline, too." The Mii gunner said.

"Fine, I believe you." Meta Knight said. We continued walking, until we got to a small hill. Suddenly, Link was at the top. Then Mario, Luigi, Ness, Lucas, and the other missing people, along with a man with a red headband. Everyone went silent, but then cheered. Link and the others walked down, where they were greeted by us in a rain of cheers and hugs. Marth came my way, and I leapt onto him and licked multiple times in the face.

"Hey, Duck Hunt!" Marth said, wiping his face and standing up.

"'Sup, Marth?" I asked, and the duck on my back quacked and ruffled his feathers in excitement.

"Okay, who is he?" Meta Knight asked, pointing his sword to the man in the red headband.

"My name is Ryu. I am a fighter and I'm ready to help." The man said.

"Hey, I forgot to ask...does anyone have somebody's trophy? I can revive them." Jack said. In an instant, Ness was there, holding Snake's trophy. Jack took Snake's trophy and put it on his arm cannon. Ness looked excited until Jack shot a lazer out of his arm cannon, sending the trophy upward before it shattered and a white light enveloped us. When Ness saw this, he charged at Jack, but Link held him back until the light was gone. I looked up, Snake started to gracefully float down, now fully alive but unconscious.

"Yes! He did it!" Lucas shouted, and Snake gently landed on the ground. Suddenly, his eyes shot wide open and he sat up.

"Where's Ness?! And Lucas and Dark Pit?!" Snake shouted.

"It's fine, we're here!" Ness and Lucas said.

"And me." Dark Pit's voice said. Everyone turned and drew their weapons, and I snarled at him. Dark Pit held his hands up in surrender and waved them, so to show he had no weapons in his hands. "I know that I did some bad things, but..." Dark Pit looked at Marth. "Someone told me I could have a second chance at heroism. I would like to have that chance." Everyone was silent, and I stopped snarling. Pit suddenly walked over to Dark Pit, and outstretched his hand to Dark Pit. Wow, never thought I would see that. I thought,

"I forgive you, Pitoo. While you have done damage that almost couldn't be fixed, I believe you are right to come and join us. You want a second chance, well, it's fine with me." Pit said, then punched Dark Pit lightly in the arm. "But don't try anything evil, got it?" Dark Pit nodded.

"Yeah...okay. But I have a condition." Dark Pit said. Oh, no... I thought. "Nobody but Pit and Meta Knight get to call me 'Pitoo', got it?!" He shouted to everyone. Suddenly Palutena appeared next to Dark Pit. "Oh, and Palutena, too." Dark Pit said, then laughed nervously. Palutena joined in.

"I've been watching everything, my heroes. However, I believe that this war party needs a little...divine intervention help, if you will." She said, and smiled casually. I sat down, tired.

"Alright, but are you sure you want to have his help?" Snake said, standing up. "He killed me."

"Yes, and...I'm sorry, Snake. Please, can you give me a chance?" Dark Pit begged. Snake was silent for a moment, thinking about it.

"Fine." Snake said, and smiled. Wow, never thought I'd see that, too. I thought.

"Alright, listen up!" Meta Knight shouted. "We have just found the Dark Legion headquarters, where Tabuu resides." Nervous chatter followed that comment. "But, don't get scared! We've come this far, and we are going to defeat Tabuu once and for all!" Meta Knight said, and we cheered. Meta Knight started walking, and we followed, filled with excitement and fear.


About an hour later, we stopped about fifty yards away form a tall, wide, black building.

"We're-a here!" Mario shouted, and we cheered.

"Now the hard part: getting in." Meta Knight said. "Here's what's going down: I'm dividing you into teams of ten." I was paired with Samus, Roy, Zelda, Link, Mario, Ryu, Marth, Pit, and Dark Pit.

"Marth! I'm so glad to see you!" Roy said, and high-fived Marth.

"Same to you, old pal." Marth said, "But. We need to get inside the Dark Legion's HQ. Any ideas?"

"Well, I could use my Hookshot to get up there, then pull you guys up one at a time." Link said. Marth thought about it, then grinned.

"Let's do it!"

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