Chapter 4: Robin

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When I saw Meta Knight coming down the stairs in a hurry, I knew something was up.

"Is there something troubling you, Meta Knight?" I asked.

"Zelda, Shulk, and you are going to get Mewtwo on our team." Meta Knight said quickly. Mewtwo?! They found Mewtwo?! I thought in disbelief.

"Sir, are you sure-"

"Don't question me!" Meta Knight said angrily, "Your teammates are waiting for you at the Warp room." Meta Knight said. I walked to the Warp room, scared. What if I die? What will happen then? I thought as I walked into the room. As Meta Knight said, Zelda and Shulk were waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" Shulk asked, his British accent thick with worry.

"Doesn't matter, let's go." I said.

"Okay, everyone grab hands." Zelda said, and we obeyed her orders. "Warping in three, two, one.." We all warped and all I saw was blue and then nothing.


I awoke to Shulk's voice, telling me to get up.

"W-what?" I asked groggily.

"Roll to the left!" Shulk yelled, and I did as I was told. A giant boulder landed right where I had lay.

"Thanks." I gasped.

"No problem, but we best be going!" Shulk said, and I nodded.

"Come on!" Zelda said, and we all broke into a run. I saw dark skies and a castle with a giant skull on it.

"What is that thing?!" I yelled.

"Wily Castle!" Zelda said without turning around. Lightning flashed, but there was no rain, and it freaked me out. Suddenly, Shulk stopped.

"Shulk, come on!" I shouted, but Shulk didn't move. I looked up to where he was staring at and gasped. Oh, no...we're gonna die...

Mewtwo was at the top of a mountain, staring at us.

He jumped down to our position and the ground shook from his power.

 You dare challenge the mighty Mewtwo? Mewtwo's voice said in my head.

"We do!" I said, "Guys! Cover me!" I ordered, and started charging my Thunder attack. Shulk charged and swung his sword, but all he hit was air as Mewtwo warped behind Shuld and hit him away. Shulk hit the ground hard and didn't stir. Mewtwo charged at Zelda, who encased herself in a crystal that damaged Mewtwo, but not very much. My spellbook stopped charging and my Thunder attack was ready.

"Thoron!" I yelled, scoring a hit on Mewtwo. Zelda came out of her crystal and Shulk stood up, recovered. Mewtwo lunged at me but I quickly casted an Arcfire spell. The spell hit the ground and a pillar of flames erupted in front of me, scorching Mewtwo. Mewtwo moved back a bit but was ready to charge again. Mewtwo dashed at me and used a quick Smash attack that sent me flying. Then, at the worst possible time, a Smash ball appeared. Oh, no... I thought. Mewtwo saw the Smash ball and charged after it. I scrambled up and lunged for Mewtwo but was knocked back by his tail.

"Back Slash!" Shulk yelled and hit Mewtwo away from the Smash ball. It didn't do any good, though, because Mewtwo warped to the Smash ball and crushed it, making him encased in a rainbow aura and his eyes turned yellow. No..! I thought, but it was too late. Mewtwo evolved into Mega Mewtwo Y and used his Psystrike move. I felt a crushing pain in my brain and then a bright flash of red and white. Zelda, Shulk, and I were all sent flying. I landed hard on my back and nearly blacked out. When my vision cleared, I saw Mewtwo devolve and I saw him slowly walking toward us. Then, I saw someone in front of me... it was Lucario! Meta Knight had sent Lucario! Lucario grabbed Mewtwo and used his Force Palm move. Mewtwo was launched towards me, and I casted my Nosferatu spell on him. I damaged Mewtwo while I also healed from his energy. Mewtwo collapsed onto the ground but got up quickly. Shulk stood up, stumbling and using his Manado Sword to balance himself. I saw writing flash across his Sword, and it stopped at the red piece of writing. Shulk's hands glowed red and with new found strength Shulk stood up and raised his sword.

"This is the Manado power!" Shulk cried, and charged up a Smash attack. Lucario dashed at Mewtwo and hit him to Shulk, where Shulk hit Mewtwo with a fully charged Smash attack. Mewtwo was sent flying, and Zelda started charging up her Phantom Slash move. I didn't ask questions and started charging my Thunder attack. Lucario started charging his Aura Sphere, and Shulk stood back, knowing what was going to happen. Mewtwo landed in front of us and in that moment Zelda, Lucario, and I had finished charging our moves.

"Triple Charge Attack!" I yelled, and all three of us fired our attacks. My Thoron spell hit Mewtwo, stunning him. Next, Lucario's Aura Sphere fit Mewtwo and caused Mewtwo to fly back a bit. Then, Zelda's Phantom Slash hit Mewtwo and there was a bright flash of red and white. Mewtwo lay on the ground, smoking. Mewtwo slowly got up and bowed.

I guess you have bested me. Mewtwo said in our heads, Very well. I shall fight with you against the menace known as the Dark Legion.

"Thank you." Zelda said, "Now, we have to go. I'll warp Shulk, Robin, and Lucario. Mewtwo..." Zelda looked at Mewtwo, who was bleeding badly. Then again, so were we.

"Mewtwo can warp on his own. Do you know where our base is? I asked, and Mewtwo nodded.

 It is located at Gaur Plain, correct? Mewtwo asked in my head.

"Yes." I said, and Mewtwo smiled.

"Alright then." Zelda said. "Warping to Gaur Plain base in three, two, one..." I saw a bright blue light and then nothing more.

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