Chapter 16: Sheik

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Two days had passed since we started toward the mountain. Roy hadn't slept; he'd kept watch all night both nights. Now, the effects were starting to show. Roy was falling behind as we walked to the mountain. Even though it wasn't far away, we had trouble getting to the central mountain. The day we started our journey we were attacked by a small squad of elite Primids. The next day, we were attacked by two Flages and a Zuree. Yesterday, we were driven off course by a determined Orne. Nothing has happened yet today, but it is almost nighttime and we were sure to be attacked again. As we walked, I turned to make sure Roy wasn't too far behind. He wasn't, surprisingly, he was actually a few feet behind me.

"We're here." Samus suddenly said.

"That took way longer than expected." I said, sighing.

"Uh, guys? There's a large guy in black armor and a sword behind us." Roy said blankly.

"WHAT?!" I said, turning around. Sure enough, I was right: Roy had described a Darknut, and it was right behind us! "Crap!" I hissed.

"Alright, let's do this!" Roy said wearily, and drew his sword from his scabbard.

"Roy, if you fight in the condition you're in now, you'll die. Leave it to us." Samus said.

"But I need to help..." Roy protested, but sheathed his sword anyway.

"Samus is right." I said, "A Darknut is a highly intelligent foe that shows absolutely no mercy."

"Sheik, cover me!" Samus said, and started charging up a Charge Shot.

"Got it!" I shouted, and charged at the Darknut. The Darknut swung it's sword downward, and I quickly side-stepped out of the way and retaliated with a quick side Smash attack. The Darknut groaned and swung it's sword in a horizontal arc. I ducked and rolled backwards.

"Sheik, move!" Samus shouted, and I scrambled out of Samus' line of fire. Samus shot her fully-charged Charge Shot at the Darknut. The blast hit, and the Darknut's armor cracked. Yes! She needs to do that again! I thought.

"Samus, get another Charge Shot ready!" I yelled to her, and she nodded. I sprinted back to the Darknut and threw a Burst Grenade at it. The pin pulled, and the the Darknut was drawn into it's range, and then the grenade exploded. The Darknut skidded back, and it's armor cracked even more. Samus' Charge Shot should break it's armor. Then the real challenge begins. I thought grimly.

"I'm not going to just stand here and let you take on this thing by yourselves!" Roy suddenly shouted. He ran in front of me, facing the Darknut, and thrusted his hands forward.

"Horizon Beam!" Roy shouted, and out of nowhere came a powerful, bright purple lazer that struck the Darknut multiple times, shattering the Darknut's armor before vanishing as if it was never there. What?! I thought, but I didn't want to waste time asking questions. Roy had slumped to the ground, and wasn't moving.

"Sheik, it's ready!" Samus shouted.

"Go ahead!" I shouted back, dragging Roy away from Samus' line of fire as she shot her fully-charged Charge Shot at the Darknut. The blast collided with the unarmored Darknut, and it vanished.

"Is it...gone?" Roy gasped.

"Yes, it is, Roy. Tell me this now: how did you fire that Horizon whatever-it-is?" I asked.

"It's called a...Horizon Beam." Roy rasped, sitting up slowly. "I can only use it...once before it has to...recharge. It was a...Power given to me while I the Gravity Room." Roy explained.

"Is there a way to get a Power without the Gravity Room?" Samus asked him.

" fact, everyone has a...Power that they can tap into." Roy said, his voice starting to return, "But many...don't even know that Powers exist."

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