100% (Nathan's POV)

Start from the beginning

Jack and I shut up and turned to Mr Matthews again, his eyebrows were furrowed so tightly, it looked like he had a monobrow.

Guess we were pissing him off a little.

"Will I have to ask you to shut up again?"

It was more of a statement than a question.

"No, sir" Jack and I both mumbled.

"Yeah, I better not" he warned, before continuing on with the lesson, "carry on, Tasha"

"Well" Tasha began from her seat at the desk in front of Jack and I, flicking her hair with her hand, "I just don't see why I need to bother voting, it's a waste of time"

"Women starved themselves and one threw herself in front of a horse so we could have the vote" a distinctly northern accent from a few seats away argued in a frustrated tone.

"But I don't care about politics" Tasha shot back.

"How can you not care about who's running our country?" Sophie asked incredulously.

"It doesn't affect my life so..." Tasha shrugged nonchalantly in response.

Sophie pulled that face again, the one where she scrunches up her eyebrows and her mouth hovers open in disbelief. You could just imagine her face on one of those memes saying Seriously, are you that stupid?

"Of course it affects your life" Sophie breathed, "the governments decisions affects all of us, that's why women fought so hard for the vote"

To be fair, Sophie did have a point.

"I still don't see the point in me voting"

"God, it's like talking to a fucking brick wall" Sophie muttered, making myself and the few others nearby who heard chuckle. Tasha just scowled at her.

"I think it's just as well someone like Tasha won't be voting for our government" Jack piped up from beside me, making the rest of the class laugh. Sophie smiled at him, holding back her laughter. Her smile made her face light up in the most wonderful way. It was the kind of smile that made me want to smile when I saw it, and I'd never noticed before but she had a dimple in either of her cheeks.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Tasha seethed, turning around in her seat to glare at Jack.

"Well, knowing you, you'd probably just vote for the one who you thought was really hot" Jack replied bluntly, his voice going really camp at the end to try and imitate Tasha. The class laughed again and Tasha narrowed her eyes at Jack, before turning back to face the front again with a huff.

"Alright guys" Mr Matthews said loudly, reigning the class back in, "back to the women's vote please, now in 1914..."

His monotonous droning continued on for another ten minutes, and my subconscious mind went back to slyly looking at Sophie.

She really was so pretty. Not hot, pretty. Maybe even beautiful.

But I don't like her. Not like that. I just like her face. And her hair. And her singing. And she is just naturally quite funny and therefore enjoyable to be around.

But I'm like, 99% sure that I don't like in that way.

Well... maybe 83%...

But seriously, I don't even know her. Not really. You can't love someone- I mean, like someone - who you don't even really know, can you? It's illogical. She has a nice face but that doesn't mean I wanna, you know, date her and stuff. Or kiss her. Again.

I haven't forgotten about the kiss. I've thought about it a lot since Saturday night. She must think I'm a total bellend for asking her to kiss me like that. Still not sure what part of me thought it would be a good idea, but she didn't stop it, something which I hadn't ignored. In fact, she went along with it. Most likely, she just felt sorry for me though. I must have come off a bit desperate.

Nathan and Sophie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now