Chapter 30: The Mighty Fall

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Ally POV

Every time, I think about being pregnant, my mind goes straight to Riker. I know that's horrible but it's true.

I stare at my fingers along the piano keys. I haven't touched a piano in who knows when. It used to feel like the keys were something I've never felt and I loved that. But now it feels like old worn out furniture that was used by me every day. I don't like it.

"Are you ever going to play it or just sit there?" Riker asks me. I shake my head and he kisses my forehead and squeezes my shoulder. "You will soon babe."

I felt the heat rising to my cheeks but I dismiss it by looking at him. "You know, we can't be flirty anymore. We just can't. I'm with Austin." I remind him. He smiles his goofy smile sending caterpillars into butterflies.

Riker slips out the slide door going back outside with everybody else. I didn't want to be crowded by every one. I was mostly an introvert.

Austin hadn't talked anymore about becoming a father. I don't blame him really. It's a huge change for me and him.

I press a piano key and suddenly felt a tear roll down my cheek. I didn't even know I was close to crying. Every time I play the piano, I think of my dad. I wish he was here with me. I wish Trish was here with me. I wish Dez was here with me.

Forget that, I just wish everybody was okay and that we never met Austin's siblings and Ellington. That's when everything changed for our atmosphere.

Basically, Riker rocked my world. I thought I knew what it was like in love. But he just.. He took me to places and situations I've never even imagined myself having. He changed me.

I still don't know if I changed for good.

I stand up from the piano bench and sigh. This didn't go as planned. I thought it would be like old times: I just play what my fingers touched and enjoy it.

I sigh and go upstairs to the bedroom. I slip off my house shoes and get under the bed covers. The sun was shining through the window brightly lighting up the room and my brown hair (wig) was covering my face because I laid down quickly sending my hair into my face. I didn't mind actually.

I close my eyes and allow myself to get comfy and relaxed. I could feel the sleep coming in when I heard voices booming from downstairs. I pull the covers over me to hide and shut out everybody.

Shortly after, I slipped into sleep.


"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I hear someone yell jumping on the bed. I grunt and scream into my pillow. Austin pulls off the covers and pushes me back onto my back leaving my hair in my face. "Aw look at you." He smiles.

"Nooooo." I warn him and he sits and kisses me. I lean up and kiss him back with an idea. Suddenly, I push him off the bed and get the covers back onto me. "I just want to stay here in bed."

"Come on Allister. We need to eat and we can make out afterwards." Austin sings happily. I roll my eyes.

"I just don't want kisses Austin. I want to get out into the world. I don't want to be with you all the time. Just leave me alone." Austin does his puppy eyes. "You're pathetic."

Austin blinks and gets up and leaves the room. Thank the lord. I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. Yeah I'm done.

I get up and go downstairs and get some popcorn. I place the sack into the microwave and wait for the popcorn to get finished popping. Soon after the popcorn gets done and I put it in a bowl, I heard a knock on the door.

I grab my bowl of popcorn and slip on my koala house shoes and walk to open the door. When I open the door, I drop my bowl of popcorn and glass splatters all over the floor.

Right in front of me was people I thought were gone forever. People that meant so much to me.

Trish and Dez.


Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Did you expect this? I didn't. ;)




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