Chapter 29: Destiny

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Austin POV

The last few days have gone by extremely slow. By that, I mean I haven't talked or seen Ally. The last time I saw her, she was acting weird. Real weird.

"Austin, are you going to eat your pancakes?" Rydel asks me. I stay silent and just poke my pan cakes with my fork. She sighs and walks out. Rydel worries too much.

Mom and dad haven't been over since dinner the other night. Ryland and I have been talking. We have a lot in common! I mean he is my brother after all.

"I'll take these." Ryland says and takes my fork and my plate. He skips up stairs to the room he's sharing with me and Ally. Except Ally is never in there, she's always sleeping on the couch or the hammock outside.

Gosh, I can't stop a second and not think about Ally. I know we are not in a great place right now but I know she's always been the one for me. I would do anything for her as I know she will for me. It's how we worked. We've had each other's backs.

I slip on my casual clothes and get my guitar. I turn in my mirror and fix my hair for myself cause it's a mess. My blonde hair stands out in a crowd because of how it is. I sigh and look at it. It's not the best hair do but it'll work. I start down the stairs going to the door.

"Guys, I'm going out!" I yell going out the door shutting it behind me. I'm pretty sure nobody was paying attention that I was leaving. Which is fine with me.

I have a sensational feeling of hope as I come up with the idea of where she is. I have a feeling that I just know where she is.

I get into Rocky's jeep and start it and drive. I can't remember the last time I've actually drive anywhere in a hurry. So I drive at a slow pace. Enjoying the scenery around me.

Before I knew it, I arrived at my destination. The place where a spark happened. Where everything changed.

The park.

I stand in grass and look around. I notice a brown haired girl sitting on the bench reading. I smiled because I was right. It was her.

I could tell by how she was sitting. Ally never slouched while she reads. She always had her right foot over her left as she reads. Every time she'd need to turn the page, she would kiss the tip of her finger then turn it.

I close my eyes and remember a memory.

Ally takes my hand and places her lips on my fingers kissing each one of them. I could feel the smoothness in her lips on my fingers. It felt amazing. Ally giggled and flips her hair behind her shoulder.

"Austin Monica Moon, you know just what you need. Go." Ally stood and whispers in my ear as she stood on her toes. I felt goosebumps because of her breath on my skin.

I shake my head and return to what is happening now at the moment. I watch Ally read on the bench and gather up enough courage to walk.

I walked over and sat beside her. Ally looked up to meet her brown eyes with mine. "How did you know-" She began but I interrupted her.

"It's where we realized we had feelings for each other. You kissed me first. It's where we both figured out that there was something special between you and me. Plus, I know you like it here cause it's peaceful." I smile at her. She keeps looking down as if she was reading. I knew she wasn't.

"True," Ally finally says almost in a whisper then looks at me. "You might just know me too well. I mean, we are best friends."

"And partners. Husband and wife." I remind her. Ally nods. Silence hangs in the air, but not awkwardly. It seemed peaceful.

Ally finally stands up and starts walking down to the lake. I follow behind her and watch her walk. Her brown hair bounced around in rhythm as she walked. Still looked as beautiful as always, I would tell her this but I don't know how she would react to it.

Ally sat on the grass a few inches away from the lake. I sat beside her. She looked like she had something on her mind. She always does.

"Austin, I thought about it for a while," I don't know what she's talking about but okay. "I haven't been making good decisions lately. I know that. But the only good decision I know I'm making right now is: I choose you." Ally looks at me.

It takes me a moment to realize what she meant. Ally chose me. I felt a grin trying to form on my face. I look at her and she slowly smiles.

My eyes studied her lips. How she moved them when she spoke. The way she has her lips closed tightly when she's frustrated. Her smile when I know she's having butterflies. Every time we kissed, felt like a million nerves were alive by the touch of our lips.

I lean in and slowly but passionately kiss her. Ally starts to kiss back and I got that feeling of when we kissed the first time. I knew this was right. Ally wraps her arms around my neck and we both sit up on our knees kissing each other. We broke the kiss and Ally giggles like she always does when she's nervous (it's better than biting her hair).

"Austin I'm sorry for everything." Ally whispers to me our noses still touching. Her brown eyes were melting like hot chocolate into mine. "I'm sorry too." I whisper back.

Ally nods and runs her fingers through my hair setting it back aside. "What about Riker?" I ask her suddenly. Her shoulders tense up for a minutes then she sighs.

"I'll take care of it. I promise." Ally assures me and places her hand in mine and squeezing it. I smile at her and she returns the smile. "Also, I need to tell you something."

"You can tell me anything." I respond and she tightens her lips. She's nervous.

"I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to come out with it... You're going to be a dad." Ally says.

Suddenly I felt the ground come into my face and everything goes black.


I'm so so so sorry for not updating!!!! I promise I'll update some more later next week!

So enjoy this chapter.





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