Chapter 23: Reuniting and Cliffhangers

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Austin POV

"Be nice! Respectful! Don't talk with your mouth full!" Rydel goes over her reassuring that I'll be okay. I roll my eyes but don't say anything as he fixes my hair. "Be sure to be a gentlemen. Be nice to mom and dad. Mom is a hugger."

"Rydel I've heard this since this morning. I'll be fine." I assure her and she takes a deep breath. Rydel puts the comb down and closes her eyes. I watch her and wonder: what is she doing?

Rocky and Riker walk out of their bedrooms in their underwear and get some cereal. Rydel opens her eyes and sighs again. She walks over and playfully smacks both of them on the back of their heads.

"Guys go get some clothes on! Mom and dad will be here any minute now!" Rydel orders them and they sigh. Riker smiles and eats his cereal walking back to his bedroom.

I start to think about Ally. I miss her smile. I miss her face. I miss her eyes. I miss her voice. I miss her dorky personality. I miss her.

About ten minutes later, Rocky and Riker are all ready and Ellington is somewhere in this place. I have not seen him this morning. Rydel has not been worried about his presence today. But then again, she has been worried about everything going exactly as planned.

Suddenly, we hear a knock at the door. Rydel jumps off of the couch and I sit at the banister watching as her blonde hair drifted away as she hastened to the door. Before she could meet her hand with the doorknob, the door sprung to life.

The door swings back smacking Rydel backwards causing her to lose her balance. I grin watching as she flings over the back of the couch landing face forward on the ground. Rocky starts laughing while Riker's face turns red hiding his laughter. My grin stay as she sat back up. "I am okay!" Rydel exclaims.

A figure appears. He seems a year younger than me. He resembles all of us (except Ell of course) which gives me a hint. He must be Ryland.

My thoughts must have been showing on my face because Rydel slapped the back of my head making me end my train of thought. Ryland walks up stairs and goes in my room with his bags. Few seconds later he rushes back down.

"So I guess I'm sharing a room?" He asks and Rydel nods. Then his gaze met mine and he grinned at me which I returned the grin. "Rydel must have fixed your hair. She always goes perfect with the style when she does."

This made Rydel blush proudly. Ryland stepped forward and pulled me into a bro hug. Suddenly, I was surprised by this next action: he started crying into my shoulder. "I finally get to meet the famous Ross Shor-"

"He goes by Austin." Rocky interrupts. I nod.

"Well Austin. I'm just so happy to meet another big brother." Ryland finished and I smile.

"Where's mom and dad?" Rydel interrupts our conversation.

"They were running late and so they missed the flight." Ryland responses and Rydel sighs in relief. Rocky and Riker started small talk with him while I just stared into space. If Ally were here, she'd probably play the piano and I'd play with her.


Ellington arrived back after ten minutes. Where did he come from? I honestly have no clue. All I know is I'm glad he's here. So I won't be a loner. He right away goes to his bedroom and changes into swimming shorts. He comes back out in Toy Story swim shorts. Rydel bursts out laughing and Ryland goes up and greets him and they do a hand shake.

I got into my swim shorts that had pancakes on them. I love my pancakes.... And Ally. These swim shorts make me want pancakes. I'll have some for breakfast tomorrow. Pretty soon, everybody was in swim gear.

"So we are all going to swim in the backyard?" Riker asks and everybody nods. "I CAN LEAD THE WAY BECAUSE IM CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW!" Riker exclaims. He has a strange dedication to Captain Jack Sparrow. Well, I have a dedication to pancakes. That makes sense.

We all went to the back yard and Riker automatically jumps straight into the pool followed by Rocky then Ellington. I was chillaxing in a lawn chair waiting to get tan. Rydel stood at the edge of the pool. Finally, Ellington pulled Rydel into the pool with her screaming. They stare at each other and suddenly Rocky yells "RYDELLINGTON FEELS!" I had to agree. Rydel and Ellington would be a good couple.

Suddenly, we heard the alarm go off signaling somebody just walked into the house. Rydel looked at Ryland and he shrugs, I peek over my shoulder to see brown hair. I recognized the person automatically.

I jump out of the chair and run inside to see the most beautiful woman ever that I have laid my eyes on. The girl who got on to me for playing the drums with corndogs. The girl who I danced with when I hurt my leg. The girl who I fell in love with. Ally (I still do not know her middle name) Moon.

Wow, I like the way that sounds. Austin and Ally Moon. That makes me feel happy inside. I say that over and over again: Austin and Ally Moon, Ally and Austin Moon, Auslly.

Ally waves her hand in front of my face making me realize I was just standing here talking to myself in my head. I smile and hug her tightly. "You have no idea how much I missed you."

"I missed you too. So much." Ally sighs happily and we look at each other. Slowly, I kissed her passionately. She kissed back and I felt so happy- wait she has her hair? I pull back and signal to her hair. "There's this cool company that can take the remaining of your hair and they can make a wig out of the hair. So I feel like I have my hair again"

I nod and hug her again. "Come on out here love birds!" Rocky orders. I look at her and she looks at my swim shorts then laughs. I could feel the heat rising to my head and I don't let myself blush.

Ally walks upstairs then comes back in a one piece ruby red swimming suit. She has a Harry Potter towel with her and I take her hand. We walk out and we sit the towels down.

Ally and I sit on the edge of the pool with our feet in the water. Riker swims over and tickles Ally's feet. Ally rolls her eyes playfully and sticks her tongue out at him and he mimics her. "Riker don't!" Ally laughs and dunks him under. I can see what Riker is doing to do next.

I quickly pull off Ally's wig making her look at me confused. Then, Riker pulls her legs and she slides down under with him. Ellington goes under also at the same time making Rydel follow his actions. Ryland stands on the diving board so confused. Rocky watches like I do.

Suddenly, Riker and Ally pop back up. Ally looked as if she was in shock and she gets out then grabs her towel. Riker gets out and runs after her without even grabbing a towel. I start to follow but Ell and Delly grab me and pull me into the pool

"Stay." Ellington says and Rydel's eyes were filled with shock and confusion. Ellington's was with worriedness. Rock and Ry were as confused as I was on what just happened.

What did just happen?



I'm SORRRRYYYYYYY this took FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR to write! But it's here now! I'm glad I wrote this chapter I think it's pretty good!



P.S guys.. This book may be ending soon. Like on chapter thirty guys... Because I have no motivation to write this as much as I used to. I think because you guys never comment. You vote and that means a lot but I need some feedback guys.

Once again, I do want to write more than 30 chapters but I don't have enough inspiration to keep writing. I like writing this book. This series! I just wish you guys would comment and vote! <3

Than again thank you people who do comment <3

QOTC: What's your prediction of what just happened and WHATS going to happen next?

10 comments and 15 votes??? :)

Austin and Ally (Rings Around Us)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن