Chapter 26: Truth Comes Out

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Ally POV

I get up from the couch after the Pirates Of The Caribbean was over. I liked that movie surprisingly. I didn't think I would.

"Isn't that movie awesome?" Riker yells and Ryland Rocky and I nod. I take a sip of my coffee feeling the warmth down my throat.

I was still cold from dancing in the rain. I was shivering and had the blanket over me. It wasn't helping me really. Riker looked at me.

"Do you mind?" He asks standing up and sits behind me on the couch. His arms wrap around around the front of me pulling me close. He's so warm. I shake my head and let him hold me.

I think about what happened at the pool.


When Austin pulled my wig and I looked at him, Riker pulled me in. We stared at each other.

His eyes looked beautiful looking at. I could stare into his eyes all day and it makes my heart melt. I shake my head stopping my thoughts.

He swims closer to me. I keep looking at him and he puts his hands on my waist bringing a tingle in my back. He leans in and my heart starts beating insanely.

I know this is wrong. He is a magnet and I'm metal. I can't help but feel something for him. I don't know what I feel. That's what I'm still trying to figure out.

I push him away making him startled and I swim up. I get out and get my towel as I run.

End of flashback

I didn't realize it but I was staring at Ryland. He looked at me worriedly. I smile and he checks himself to see if anything is wrong. I laugh and Riker looks at me.

Once again, I felt his eyes melt into me. I could just grab him and kiss him. But I know I can't and I must not.

Apparently today must be a movie marathon day. Rocky putted in a scary movie and I didn't like this. I watch anyways.

The woman runs down the hall and suddenly a knife plunges into her chest. A guy bows down to her and whispers in her ear as she dies. "This is what you get for loving the wrong man." He says then rips the knife back out as she gasps and dies in his arms.

This is really dramatic. Plus it is very bloody. I really don't like scary movie at all. I get up from Riker and walk back in the back yard

The sun was out now and there was barely any clouds. I could see a double rainbow in the distance which was a beautiful sight. I adore this as I set on a side of the pool letting my feet hang in the water.

"Do you regret it?" I hear a voice behind me and I turn back around. It was Riker. I turn back around and look ahead.

"I don't know. Maybe. No I can't regret it." I say as Riker sits beside me. We look at each other. "I don't like myself for that. But... I liked it. I hate that I liked it."

"Me too. I wish I could just erase every thing between us. Ally, I can't though. I can't just stop liking you. Ally I think I'm in loves with you." He blurts out. I look at him.

Suddenly, my arms wrap around his neck and I kiss him. I did it without even thinking about it. Riker kisses me back without even stopping me. This felt right and I knew it was wrong.

I did it anyways.

He pulled away slowly and our noses are touching. I could feel his breath when he breathes out.

"Ally... I love you." Riker says finally. I look down and felt myself needing to say it back. I bite my lip. I can't.

I get up and walk back inside to see that my song book was by the piano. I look at it. Someone had touched my book.

"Who had my book?" I ask. Nobody replies that they had it. I take it and open it.

I flip through my book checking if anything was missing. Through my book, my songs are so different than the one before. That's one reason I like keeping them in a book.

I notice a song that doesn't look familiar to me. It wasn't written in my handwriting. I didn't write this song. I skip read through the lyrics. Someone else's girl..... I know who wrote this. Riker Anthony Lynch.

I sit down my book and turn to go find him when the door opens. Austin and Rydel come walking in. They have serious faces on. I wonder what just happened.

Austin glances around the room as if he's looking for some one. His eyes land on me and I smile. He walks up to me and takes my hand then whispers in my ear. "We need to talk."


I sit on the edge of the bed watching Austin pace back and forth with his hands running through his hair as he always does when he's stressed. I still don't know why I'm here. I stay quiet though and watch. Finally, he sighs and looks at me.

"What's going on between you and Riker? Don't stall me this time Ally. I know he loves you. So tell me, what has happened between you two?" Austin commands my response. Oh great he knows. Who could've told-

Rydel. Rydel told him. That's why they both looked serious. Oh my god. My fingers go to my hair to bring it to my mouth to bite it. I haven't bitten my hair in forever. I flip my hair back behind my shoulder.

I take a deep breath. "There's nothing going on between us." I say and his hands go in fists. I get up and start walking down the stairs to the living room.

I walk and he pulls me back. Austin pins me against the stair case wall. I bite my lips. "Ally-"

"I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean for that to happen. It was never my intention to betray our love-" I was talking when he did something that took my breath away.

Austin slapped me and shoved me against the wall. I felt tears come to my eyes. I peek behind him to see Ellington and Riker watching wide eyed. I push him and he grabs my wrists tightly making me plea.

Suddenly, Riker comes forth and pulls him away from me. He calmly tries to calm Austin down. Before I could comprehend what was happening, they were in a full on fight.

"Stop! Please stop!" I yell pulling Austin off of Riker. Austin gave Riker a black eye and bloody nose. Austin's lip was bleeding.

"I didn't want this to happen. I did not want to come between you two, if you two can't handle this the right way, neither one of you will ever see me again." I state to both of them then storm out of the house.



I know I haven't updated but I'm moving right now so I'm real busy. I'll try to update more as I get settled!

Anyways, I love you! Keep commenting and voting!!



QOTC: Opinion on what Riker just did to Ally???

Austin and Ally (Rings Around Us)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ