Chapter fourteen- When it all goes crashing down

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"Hi, I'm Agent Cloverfeild and this is my partner, Agent Nickles." I said holding up my fake FBI badge to the lady at the front desk of the police station. Sam smiled at the lady, and also held up his badge.

"Nice to meet you Agents. What can I do for you?" The lady asked. We both put our badges back into our coat pockets. Sam stepped forward.

"We were wondering if you've seen one of our fellow agents." He asked kindly.

"Uhh, there was an agent here yesterday." She said thinking. "Red hair?" She asked gesturing to head.

"Uh, no." I said.

"There was another guy." She said pursing her lips. "Quite an odd fellow.."

"Was he wearing a trench coat?" I asked.

"Yes, and he had brown hair." she replied.

"Do you by any chance know where he is? He didn't report back last night." Sam said.

"No I don't." She said.

"Do you know why he was here?" I asked. She nodded and slid me a file.

"Asked to see these." She said. I opened up the file, and looked down at it.

"Three murders this week, all the bodies found with in a ten mile radius, all of their eyes were melted out of their skulls." I read to my self. I bit my lip. This sounded all to familiar. I did not like where this was going.

"Could we get a copy of this?" Sam asked handing the file back to the lady.

"Sure thing." She turned and left to go make the copies.

"Angels?" I asked quietly. Sam shrugged.

"That's what it sounds like." He said, scratching the back of his neck. The lady came back and gave us the papers.

"Thank you so much." I said with a kind smile. She nodded in return. We made our way back to the parking lot.

"Why would angels just be killing random people?" I asked as I opened the door of the impala.

"I have no idea." Sam said, sliding into the drivers seat. "Maybe they weren't people?" He suggested. I shrugged.

"That's always a possibility." I sighed. "I just want Cas." I bit my lip.

"We'll find him." Sam said, turning on the impala. I nodded.

I'm the type of person who trust their gut more then anything, and my gut was telling me something bad was going on. Something- terrible.

I prayed to god, that my gut was wrong for once.


I finished putting my hair in a pony tail and slid out of the impala. I was wearing jeans and a plaid shirt. I also had on converse. I love my converse.

Sam and I quietly made our way into the factory that the bodies were found inside, hoping maybe Cas would be here. There were so many hallways to explore, but Sam and I had agreed not to split up because we left our phones in the car. (if your wondering why, It's because Dean and Bobby were blowing them up with phone calls and text messages.) Eventually, I stopped Sam.

"We are never going to find him at this rate." I said with a nervous look. "We should split up." He shifted, looking around uncomfortably.

"Yeah. Your right." He finally said. "If any thing happens, or you find anything, Scream." He said. I nodded. He patted me on my shoulder, then he continued on down the hall.

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