Chapter twelve- Constellations.

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"See guys!" I shouted over the pounding music. "This is fun!" 

There was a party in the park a few miles away from the bunker that I heard about- I thought it would be a fun place to go to celebrate Halloween with the guys. We were all standing by the slide in the park watching all of the drunk adults and teens dance and have a good time. Okay- not all of them were drunk, just a lot of them. You could smell the alcohol in the air. 

"That's it." Dean said standing up off of the slide he was sitting on. "I'm going home-" He stopped talking as two pretty girls walked by, one was dressed as a princess and one as a fairy. He smiled at them, making them giggle and bat their eye lashes at him. The girl dressed as a fairy seemed to be eyeing Cas, Dean must have noticed too.  "Cas, buddy?" He said slapping him on the shoulder. "I think I found us a couple of matches."

He started to lead Cas away from me, Bobby, and Sam. Part of me was screaming to go and stop Cas from dancing with another girl, but another part was screaming, don't blow it! I could tell Cas wasn't sure what to do either. So I did something stupid. 

"Have fun Cas!" I called after him. He seemed to relax a bit and let Dean pull him towards the girls. 

"Well," Bobby sighed. "I'm going home. Call me when ya' need ta' be picked up. No later then Three AM!" 

"Okay, Thanks Bobby." Sam called after him. 

We sat there watching the crazy people dance and have a good time for what felt like for ever. then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Sam smiling down at me. 

"Your bored, I'm bored- lets dance." He said holding out his hand to help my up off the ground. I looked at it and hesitated. He sighed and knelled down beside me. "Listen, I know it bothered you that Cas is dancing with someone else, but this will take your mind off it." 

"Just as friends?" I said with a small smile. 

"Just as friends. I swear." He held out his hand again, and this time I took it. 

It took me a bit to get warmed up to dancing, but eventually I let loose and had fun. We danced to the loud thumping music for a long time. Sam, every now and then, would playfully spin me around, or grab my hands and do some sort of funky twist with me. For a few minutes, I forgot that I was a hunter. I forgot that monsters existed. I just felt like a normal twenty two year old girl who enjoyed life. 


"Wow- You really know how to dance." Sam said handing me a bottled water. I grinned at him and took it. He sat down on the swing next to the one I was sitting on. The music was still thumping but not as loud because the cops had started patrolling the streets nearby. I hadn't seen Cas and Dean since they went off with the two girls. 

"Am I being paranoid?" I said after a few silent moments. 

"About?" Sam asked. I used my feet to push my swing back and forth a bit. 

"I just feel like- I don't know, Jealous?" I looked over at Sam. He was looking down at his shoes. 

"No." He said with a smile. He turned and looked at me. "No your not being paranoid. Your just being a good girl friend." I kicked at the wood chips by my feet. 

"Why do I feel like shit then?" I asked. 

"Relationships suck." He sighed. "Especially when their with a celestial being." I chuckled. 

"How would you know." I asked shoving him on the shoulder. 

"I wouldn't- but Dean would. "

"No!" I said my eyes growing wide. 

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