1. When Your Gone

Start from the beginning

Even more years later

You laid at the concrete of your now crumbled city. People were screaming and angels of all kinds had died. What was even worse... Lucifer worked for Satan now... without even telling you. You hadn't seen him in months... and in those months, he had killed many angels. You didn't know what to do anymore.

You used the last of your strength and got up, watching your hometown crumble apart. Tears that had formed in your eyes, threatened to fall. You rubbed them away and gathered up your power. You knew what you had to do. You couldn't live like this anymore. "Goodbye my once beautiful home. Goodbye... Lucifer."

You charged up all your magic you had left and up used it to form a portal. You looked back at your homeland, and then at the portal. Within seconds, you jumped through the portal, and it disappeared behind you.

Le Time Skip

You woke up on the concrete of a city. You stood up and brushed off your ragged clothes, looking around the place. "Well... I guess this is my new home.... earth."

Present time

You were now 18 and had lived on earth for almost a year. It was a sunny day and you were walking home from work with your friend Rika. You worked at Domina's Pizza

"Oh hey F/n?" Rika asked.


"I've been wanting you to meet one of my new friends. Her name is Emi. I'm meeting up with her right now, wanna come?" She asked you.

"Oh, sure." You weren't really comfortable with meeting new people. After all, Rika was your only friend. Then again, you were really lonely, Maybe you did need a few more people in your life to brighten your mood.

Le Time Skip

"Here we are, MgRonald's, let's go in." She said, opening the door.

You followed her in and walked up to the register where a girl with fuchsia colored hair was arguing with a MgRonald's employee.

"You better not break that little girl's heart, got that!" She screamed at him.

"I know Emi. Jeez, calm down. Your making a scene at my job." He said back to her. 'Wait a minute. Is that...? It can't be!' You thought.

"Hey Emi." Rika said. Emi turned to her.

"Oh hey Rika, who's this?" She asked, gesturing to you.

"This is F/n, one of my old friends."

Emi smiled at you. "Hi, I'm Emi Yusa. Pleasure to meet you."

You're eyes widened and your mouth dropped. You looked to Emi, then back to the Mg. Ronald's Employee. 'Oh my frick, it's them!'

Emi and Moau looked at you confused. You closed your mouth but kept examining them. 'Amelia the Hero... and The demon king himself... How the hell did they get here?!'

Rika waved a hand in your face. "F/n, is everything ok?"

You shook your head and snapped out of it. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just got lost in thought." You said.

"Oh, well why don't we order something." You both walked up to the register.

"I'll have one burger with fries and a soda." Rika said. "F/n, what do you want?"

You stared at the MgRonald's Employee. 'THAT does not look like the face of Satan. Am I wrong about this? Am I imagining things? Please tell me I'm still sane. Why would the demon king work at a place like Mg.ronalds?! Wait... those eyes. It has to be him... but how?'

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