Chapter Seventy-Four

Start from the beginning

"I promise." He says, looking me right in the eyes.

"You can't break it either. No more breaking promises for either of us." I add in.

Peeta nods his head.

"The only time we are allowed to grieve them is when it's been a year and so on. Only once a year." I say, knowing that's not how it'll be because we both get triggered so easily, just something as simple as that stupid cat can ruin a whole day.

"I promise."

"Can you give me a kiss?" I ask shyly.

He smiles a little bit, leaning down to my lain body and kisses me on my forehead, my nose, my lips and then my belly.

"I love you both." He says.

I smile to myself, "We love you too."

Peeta smiles sleepily at me, "Have you gotten any sleep tonight?"

I shake my head, "No. I've been thinking and I just can't get my mind to shut down." I tell him.

"Well, you need some sleep. I know you didn't get any rest today or the night before." Peeta says, laying back down next to me.

"I'll try but I have three months to rest all I want." I joke.

He smiles sadly at me, "Well, we can do it together."

I chuckle a little, almost silently, "Goodnight, Peeta."

Peeta reaches across, taking my hands and intertwining his fingers with mine, "Goodnight."

(The next morning)

"Peeta, I'm starving. Wake up." I say, poking his nose.

He opens his eyes, a smiling crossing his face as I keep poking his nose softly.

"What are you doing?" He laughs.

I chuckle, "I'm feeling your nose. I'm wondering how something can be so cute."

He chuckles, "You're so weird sometimes."

I smile at him, feeling particularly happy today.

"But you love me."

Peeta smiles, "I do love you."

"And I love you." I say, poking his nose one last time.

"You're so lucky that I can't tickle you right now." Peeta says.

"That's something I miss, even though I use to 'hate' it." I chuckle, remembering all of the fun memories we had when he would do this.

He scrunches his nose up at me, "You hated it but did so many things to provoke it."

I laugh and stick my tongue out at him.

"I think grabbing your tongue won't hurt." He jokes.

"It might." I say with a laugh.

Peeta sighs, "What do you want for breakfast?"

I shrug, "I don't care." I tell him.

"How about I make some eggs, toast, and bacon?" He suggest.

I scrunch my nose.

"No bacon?" Peeta tries.

I shake my head.

"Tired of toast?"


"No eggs."

I shake my head and make a stink face.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now