"Don't get too big for your boots," Dodger warned. "I've seen competitors win this because they seem a nice, decent, deserving person but the second they get a taste of money and fame they become a lying, cheating, low life." His lip curled in distaste as he remembered one particularly horrible contestant. "One person had the nerve to swear at me then elbow me in the stomach." He barked out a harsh laugh. 

"What did you do?" Edendir asked warily.

"Let's just say that I wasn't presenting the next week," Dodger said darkly. "And they weren't performing."

Edendir went silent for a second as he took in the information. "You get into a lot of trouble, don't you?"

"Yep. I'm not-"

"Called Dodger for nothing," Edendir finished with a chuckle. "I know."

"Hey, you're Edendir!" a voice cried. Edendir looked around and saw a little girl running over. She enveloped his lower legs in a hug and squealed.

"You're brilliant at magic!" she yelled happily. "You're my hero!"

"Sorry," a voice apologised. A teenage girl with dark brown hair and piercing green eyes rushed over, peeling the small child from Edendir with a small amount of difficulty. 

"She loved your magic act," someone else added. A boy walked over to the girl, his hair hidden by a peaked cap. Both had amiable smiles on their faces and had a smattering of light freckles across the bridge of their noses. It was clear they were identical twins, put in charge of a small human for the day.

"My name is Ellie," the girl said, looking up at Edendir with bright eyes. "Will you be my friend?"

"Of course," Edendir said, telling himself that he had to be nice to the little girl. "Do you know who this is?"

"Child," Nathan said, staring at Ellie uncertainly. 

"Dodger!" Ellie yelled, throwing herself at the man in the wheelchair. Dodger grunted and patted her on the head.

"Please be careful of my leg," he begged.

"Sorry," Ellie said, looking sad. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You didn't hurt me," Dodger reassured her. He seemed gentle and kind but there was wistfulness in his eyes. "It's fine, honestly."

"Apologies for having disturbed you," the boy said. "Come on, Ellie. Bye."

"Wait!" Edendir said as the three began to leave. The girl turned her head and the others followed suit, Ellie bouncing back over to give his legs another hug.

"Do you have anything to do today?" the elf asked.

"No," the twins said in sync.

"We're just looking after Ellie," the girl added. 

"Well, we were," the boy frowned. "It looks like she's become very attached to you."

"Don't start with the puns," the girl groaned, punching her brother on the shoulder. "I can't put up with any bad jokes today. Or spontaneous singing."

"Well what can I do?" the boy stropped. "That's pretty much all I ever do!"

"Maybe you could work?" the girl suggested.


"How about," Edendir interrupted, "how about I let you two off your duties for the afternoon?"

"What will we do with Ellie?" the girl asked. 

"Dodger will look after her," Edendir said with a dazzling smile. "Won't you, Dodger?"

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