Bathroom adventures.

Start from the beginning

The squirrels began scratching his feet while the birds pecked him all over. Being in the corner of the shower, pressed up against the cold tiles, I was greeted with a mouth full of feathers, but I was too amazed by what was happening to care.

Mercury danced out of the shower in pain, trying to avoid the animals pecking at him. It probably didn't hurt him but it would have been annoying and disorienting in the least.

Along with Mercury's cries of alarm, the bathroom sounded like a mad house. I could only watch in amazement, covering myself with my hands, as the animals overpowered him.

A squirrel began digging on his head and he pulled it off and threw it at the wall.

"Hey!" I cried out, as it hit the wall with a crack.

This injuring of a fellow friend enraged the animals further and soon I could hardly see Mercury under all the animals.

With one last, dark look at me, Mercury disappeared, but not before grabbing and squashing a bird that had been pecking at his cheek.

As soon as he was gone, the animals, except the two injured ones, dispersed.

I remained frozen, still shocked from the speed with which the attack occurred. Feathers were littered all over the bathroom and I was pretty sure there were some stuck to my body.

There was a squeak of pain and I walked over to where the squirrel lay, it's leg twisted at a bad angle. Picking it up gently, I laid it in a bunch of towels, wincing at the squeaks.

"Don't worry," I reassured it. " Ill fix you."

Turning, I saw the animal that had been the last straw for Mercury. The bird lay on the floor, it's body crushed and mangled, from a single squeeze of Mercury's hands.

I don't know how he did it, but apparently he could touch animals.

This revelation frightened me.

Taking a plastic bag, I wrapped the bird up and thanked it for getting rid of Mercury, despite it being dead.

The ironic part was that the bird had been a pigeon.

Changing faster than I had before, I rushed to search up the local vet to take the squirrel to.

It could have been easier to just kill it with a rock and put it out of its misery but I didn't really want to kill something that had risked its life to answer my call for help. Mercury wasn't the big bad wolf but it had definitely helped my state of mind to get rid of him. There were several reasons for it.

Gently placing the squirrel in my bag, I closed the apartment and began to head for the vet.

The small amount of money I had made, working with Batty, had its uses, like an instance like this. They were still trying to get into Miguel, convinced he was a drug dealer, I wasn't actually sure if he was, so I planted fake evidence that said he had nothing to do with the drug industry because I didn't want to get caught hanging around a possible drug Lord. Miguel, well, mostly Amber, had insisted I head around for lessons on how to develop my powers but other than lights, talking to animals, and enhanced physical abilities, not much had happened.

There had been one training session, two days ago, after Mercury came back, when Miguel had tried to shock me into developing my powers. He also directed arrows of light at me which were mighty uncomfortable to deal with, I told him as much, but his only response was to appear behind me (he ran but it was too fast for me to see since I was sort of day dreaming) and slap my head.

The natural shadow walker abilities enhanced his slap to the point where I actually face planted into a puddle of mud.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed, wiping mud out of my eyes and mouth. "I'm not going to develop abilities if you keep trying to scare me."

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