Chapter One ~ | The Traitor| Mission: Kill the Uchiha

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It was a warm wind that stirred the evergreen trees of the forest. It flew along the tree branches as a bird would swoop towards its prey. The sun blinded the sky, spreading its light throughout the canopy to the ground below. It was peaceful.

Until the soft buzzing from a communicator earpiece entered the atmosphere. The voice was hushed as it was projected in cracky intervals.

"Its Shiro, Momo copy, are you in position? Over." The joyous wind ruffled itself against the hidden figures, causing their cloaks to bend.
The recipient of the message brung their finger to the small device having heard it. They were positioned crouched atop a thick tree branch, carefully observing through their white and purple animal mask.

"Momo here, positive. Awaiting further instructions. Over." The calm voice rang over the cracking of the ear piece.
"Roger. Sai, do you copy? Over."
There was a small moment of silence between the trio of communicators. But not long enough for worry because the pieces buzzed once again.

"Yes I copy. Over."

"Good." Came the reply. "Is this the right place?" They asked.

"My subjects say so." Sai answered as he read the scroll in front of him. It had been given by a mouse, of ink that is.

"Uchiha seems to have been here not too long ago...keep your guard up."

"You bet." Shiro nodded his head in agreement despite the others not looking at him.

Just at that moment, the wind changed its course, violently switching direction. The cape covering Shiro's figure flew across his face and the leaves of the trees russled in protest. But then it simply stopped and Shiro squinted his eyes in annoyance.
He lost his concentration for a moment as he made contact with blazing red eyes.


He gasped, spinning himself around in a circle to alert the others, wherever they were.

"Momo, did you see-"


"Shiro?" Her brow was pushed down as she called out to her teammate through the earpiece. And yet, there was only tense silence to follow. "Shiro?" Momo shouted, abondoning her tree branch and landing onto the forest floor below. Sai also found her and stood slightly behind her, he realised that this mission had become dangerous.

Shiro didn't reply as he laid passed out onto his side, his mask digging into the grass. He had fallen from the tree, directly in front of the teammates.

"Konoha Anbu, huh." A male voice stated behind them. Immediately, Momo became alerted and jumped around to face the source. The pale sun slightly blinded them from a view of his face as he stood atop a tree branch. But it slowly disappeared and revealed what Momo and Sai didn't expect to see yet.

"Sasuke Uchiha," She slurred out, carefully observing his stature. "What a pleasant surprise."

A sudden pain in her skull made her wince.

"Sasuke! Sasuke!" With hearts in their eyes and cheeks resting on palms, the group of girls swarmed the Uchiha boys desk.

"Sasuke why are so cool!" One sighed in a day dream.

"Will you marry me?!"

"Shut up Momo! He's mine and you all know it!" Ino Yamanaka yelled pushing herself in front of the white haired girl.

"I didn't say anything, Ino!" The girl defiantly yelled back, trying to reclaim her spot in front of the boy.

"Girls! Leave Sasuke alone!" An ignored Iruka shouted from the front of the classroom, waving a book around in the air above him.

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