"I will marry her mum, there's not a doubt in my mind. I knew from the beginning of our relationship she was my one, the one that I wanted to be with forever.

Being apart from her for those seven months only confirmed what I already knew, that I am not me without her anymore. I need her just as much as she needs me, I couldn't even picture a life without her in it.

She's just something I can't even explain into words mum. People think it's unbelievable that I could be so in love and certain she's the one, when we've only known each other not even two years yet, but I know she is.

When she's happy I'm happy, when she hurts I hurt, her smile alone gives me butterflies, and when she kisses me my heart races, even still to this day. Everyday is like the first, I'll never get used to her.

So of course I want to marry her, I want her by my side for the rest of my life, she's the most meaningful part of me. You taught me to respect women, and how to love unconditionally, so I have you to thank for showing me how a women deserves to be treated."

Talking about marriage with my mum just confirmed to me how much I wanted this for Jen and I. But I also didn't believe in rushing things. She didn't need a ring on her finger to prove I was committed to her, so proposing right now wasn't a priority.

One day I would ask her to marry me, and the idea of our child being there thrilled me, but right now I was just content with how things were between us.

"You are so in love my darling boy, all a mother ever wants is for her children to be truly happy, and I know you are. I knew from the first time I met her that you loved her, even if you didn't yet.

She is the sweetest girl, and I couldn't ask for anyone better for you. Just promise me these aren't all words, and you will marry her when you're ready. Be the man I raised, and love your family no matter the obstacles. Be the father your child deserves, that's all I ask of you."

"I promise," I nodded in agreement at her expectations of me. I would be the devoted partner Jen deserved, and the father our baby was entitled to. Those two were the single most important part of my life now, and nothing would ever come above them.

"Good...so enough of this now, I'm such a mess," she laughed at her emotional state, wiping away the few tears that still lingered.

"Why don't you tell me how long you're staying here, and why you didn't tell me you were coming," I changed the subject, curious as to why my mum and sister had turned up all of a sudden.

"We wanted to surprise you, and I wanted to see Jen pregnant before she had the baby. I haven't been able to spend much time with her, so I wanted to be able to tell my grandchild I was there before they were born.

Sometimes I'm lonely in Cheshire Harry, I do love Robin and we have friends, I live a fulfilling life, but my kids aren't with me, and I feel like I'm missing out on their lives. I want to spend more time with you, and if that means making more frequent trips to Australia, then so be it.

I was also sick of seeing Gemma so miserable, so I knew if I planned this trip for us she would have to face Angus and work things out, so really it's a trip for both of us to benefit from.

On top of that, I've been talking to Lauren about throwing Jen a baby shower, so we've also come down for that. It's not for another week, so the girls won't be here until then."

"Girls?" I questioned her.

"Soph, El, Lou, I think even Perrie was planning to come, everyone supports you both and the baby, so everyone wants to be here for you both."

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