She's doing this because she knows what it's like to lose your husband, and what it does to a person, because she saw it happen with me. You know your sister likes to be in control, so she walked out before he could."

"Mum it's not your fault at all, if she is insecure enough to walk away from something that makes her so happy, that's her problem it's not yours.

You and dad weren't happy, and we weren't happy living in a house where all you two did was argue. You both did what was best for yourselves and for us, and you both ended up finding other people who did make you happy.

Our stepfather has been an amazing father figure for years, I still loved my dad, but Robin proves to me that just because one marriage doesn't work out, doesn't mean the next won't. You're happy with him, and Gemma can see that.

You have nothing to do with her marriage break down, the only person she can blame is herself. Has she told you herself that is why she walked away from him?"

I found it hard to believe Gemma would do all this just because she was a coward. She didn't want to stay in a marriage purely based on the fact she was scared what the future held.

My mum didn't raise us to be like that, a quote that always stuck with me growing up was "never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game," I lived by that in everything I did, I used it as motivation every day.

For my mum to even think she had any kind of negative influence on us upset me, because she was the strongest, most caring, genuine, compassionate women I knew, I idolised her because she was the pinnacle of what a mother should be.

"No she didn't, I just feel like that in my heart Harry, I worry too much you know me. I overthink things, and they weigh on me. She wouldn't open up about it to anyone, so I had to make up my own assumptions.

I just worry for you now, my darling boy you have such an amazing life set up for yourself, I don't want you to fall into the hole your sister has, I feel like I've tainted you both," she reached her hand up, stroking my cheek as she chocked back sobs.

"Why would you think that? How have you tainted me?" I was confused by her statement, she had nothing but a positive effect on my life, I didn't know why she worried so much.

"Because I don't want you to shun the idea of marriage because I failed at it with your father, and your sister is now throwing hers away.

I don't want you to believe that it's something temporary, and you can easily just get out of it and find someone better. I don't want my choices to be yours.

You have a beautiful girl that loves you, and you're going to have a child together within the month. I don't ever want you to think this is temporary, and you can go out and find someone better for you.

It's not always the case, a lot of people do find their soulmates early in life and stay with them forever, I want you and Jen to be one of those people. I want you to show everyone true love can last an eternity, I want you to prove to everyone that when you find that one person you want to spend your life with, no matter how hard it gets, you will stick it out and remember why you got together in the first place.

I just want you to be happy, and be the father your child deserves. They deserve a stable household, and parents who are fully committed to each other, I don't want my grandchildren to go through what I put you and your sister through.

So Harry please just promise me you will love that girl unconditionally, and marry her one day. Don't give up on the idea of marriage, you two have a love worth fighting for, forever."

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