I. Amusement Park

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As Lucy walks in her apartment, inserting her doorkey into the keyhole, she suddenly hears a munching sound coming from inside.

"Yo! Luce" Natsu greeted her, a bag of chips on his lap.

"Aye!" said a blue feline while munching on a fish.

Lucy let out a sigh, but she got so used in seeing the pink haired Dragon Slayer and the Blue Exceed in her room all the time that she didn't even bother to shoo them away.

"I'm going to take a shower you guys, so DON'T try to peek on me or else..." she warned the two.

"Whatever... We're about to leave anyway, right Happy?" Natsu said.

"Yeah. So, see you later Lucy." Happy shouted at her.

... After the Shower ...

"Ahhhh. That was refreshing.." exclaimed the Celestial Mage while drying up her gold locks with a white towel.

"Huh? Where's Natsu and Happy?" she said while looking left and right, searching for her friends. Apparently, she didn't hear them say their goodbyes earlier.

As Lucy was about to dress-up, she found a small white paper lying on top of her dresser, along with a... ticket?

"Dear Lucy,

Come to the Amusement Park at 5. Your ticket's there. Everyone will be coming along too, so don't be late.

-Natsu and Happy

She tilted her head as to where the clock was.

"It's already 4:30. I gotta go dress myself now!" She hurriedly said while putting on her usual outfit and tying her hair on the side.

... At the Amusement Park ...

She spotted her friends waiting for her at the entrance.

"Hi guys! Sorry I'm late." The blond mage apologized. But her eyes suddenly landed on the presence of another wizard.

"Je-Jellal? Why are you here?" She asked.

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