"I think we have managed just fine." Tyson stepped forward towards me and then backwards towards Charlotte as she spit back angry. The indecisive little bitch is starting to make me look bad.

"I know you're looking for Michael after I specifically told you to drop it." I decide to throw in there and now Emma was giving me dirty looks.

"What?" Charlotte shouted.

She started walking faster down the slope, slipping past Tyson to get one pointed finger straight into my chest. I shuffled backwards in the dirt, letting go of Emma's hand as Charlotte proceeded against my abs. Her finger poked me, but it wasn't threatening, it was ticklish.

"Don't turn this against me. I did drop the Michael idea but Tyson said that it doesn't hurt to try." Her anger was kind of cute considering that her small skinny little finger made me laugh instead of cringe.

"So you trust him?" I ask with a sarcastic squeak in my  voice. I tilt my head over to Tyson and smirk. No offense.

She pauses off guard and takes her finger away from me. She looks over her shoulder and catches Tyson's embarrassed stare. . . there was silence. Charlotte's bare chest tenses up in more anger as red blush spread out underneath her bathing suit top. The pause had me swiftly speechless as I glared down at the girl. Her teeth were clenched and shaking as she lunged forward and shoved her hands into my chest. She tried to walk away after her outburst but I grabbed her wrists once they hit my chest.

I pulled her close to my lips and whispered intensely to get my message across, "You honestly thought I would leave you alone out here with him?" As Charlotte scowls at me I take her wrists and peel them off of me. I didn't want to have to be rough with her but the look in her eyes were suddenly shielded.

Emma suddenly runs back and grabs Charlotte's shoulders, "What the hell you two!?" She yells while tugging Charlotte away from me.

The two girls fumble around as Charlotte pulls her long arms from Emma's hands. She doesn't charge me again instead she stands still and holds her breath while brushing her long hair from her eyes. They start argue quietly to each other while Emma threw her hands up in confusion most of the time. Charlotte would look at me with nothing but regret in her eyes. Her facial expression was stale and bitter. I don't understand why see was acting like this. . . was it all because of last night? Our fighting began because of her rules, I hope she knows that.

Tyson freezes off in the corner. "Um- Char. . ."

I stepped aside the two girls and watch Tyson as he stared down at his chest, "Mate?" I ask while Emma continues to bicker. I wasn't concerned for him but his voice didn't sound to excited at the moment.

"Don't move." He panics quietly as I stop from walking forward. Suddenly the girls stop their argument and everything falls silent.

"What is it?" Charlotte asks and Emma huffs. I look back and forth between everyone and take one step closer in front of Tyson. "Ashton wait!"

This time Charlotte pulls me backwards and holds onto my bicep before I finally notice the small red beam pointed right on Tyson's chest. The light twisted across his chest several times before planting perfectly over the section where his heart is. Slowly Tyson's hands lifted into the air and the light beam started to go crazy, swirling violently across his chest. He held his hands up in surrender and moved his eyes to look at all of us for support.

"Michael." He whispered deeply as the red dot slowly moved up his throat and past his jaw.

"Michael?" Emma whispered  sarcastically holding onto Charlotte's shoulders.

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