Chapter Ten

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"The Grievers. They're early. It's night time when they come out." Liz said as they checked her watch.
"What time is it?" I asked, worried we won't be back before the doors closed.
"6:55. Doors close at seven. We have five minutes to get to the Spring. The bad thing is we're right at the other end of Section 4. With a Griever."
"How long-"
Liz cut me off. "Usually 5 minutes, we need to go quietly."
Click, click, whirr.
Click, click, whirr.
"Screw that. RUN!" Liz yelled. We sped down the maze corridor, turning frantically.
Left, right, right, left, left.
Where the heck were we going?!
"Liz, the doors!" I screamed, hearing the Griever come closer by the second.
"Shut up! We'll make it!"
The ground rumbled.
"You jinxed it!" I shrieked.
"Shut up! We're here!" Liz was half right.
The Spring was fifty-five feet ahead. The doors screeched, closing quickly. I heard the Griever cry out behind us.
Liz and I ran and ran, faster than our feet could go.
My feet pounded hard against the ground. Sweat poured down my face. My heart beat was faster than a drum, it was thumping out of my chest. I was so tired... I wanted to collapse on the ground and sleep.
But I have to make it.
I have to.
The entrance to our home narrowed. I could hear the shrieks of the Springers.
We were there. Liz shot through the gap before me. It was slightly bigger than me. I followed Liz through the gap, but felt a painful prick in my side. The screams of my friends intensified. The pain was excruciating. I gasped sharply, inhaling all the air I could.

Everything went...

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