Chapter Two

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Harriet pulled me up by the arms and gave me a warm smile. "Come on, let's get out of here." She climbed out of the box and walked towards a crowd of girls peeping into the box. I followed in suit, approaching the crowd of girls shyly. They all stared at me. I swiftly had a look at all of them. They ranged between the ages of 13-18 and were all different races and sizes.

"Aren't you going to introduce us, Harriet?" a girl called out.
"This is our Newbie." Harriet stuck a thumb in my direction. She then leant close to me and asked "Name, Newbie?"
"H-Hazel." I stuttered upon my first word in... I don't know how long.
"Hazel's her name," Harriet announced "make her welcome." The girl then walked forward, the crowd parting instantly to form a path for her. She's probably the leader.

I turned 360 degrees on the spot and stared at 'The Spring'. It was a massive square of grass and concrete, with a forest in one corner, trees scattered around the Spring and a few buildings- more like shacks-where girls came in and out from.
A lovely garden where a team of girls were working was probably the most prettiest sight, plants and crops of different kinds sprouted beautifully from the ground.
There, by the garden, was a hut with countless benches around it. Girls sat on the benches and ate happily with each other.
A red barn in another corner stood strong and sturdy. Outside it animals in pens lay lazily, run or eat. It reminded me of a farm, but I had no idea when I went of who I went with.
There was a large shack near the middle of the Spring, with smaller huts behind. I'm guessing that's where all the girls lived.
This is the Spring, topped off with four, large, stone, ivy-covered walls too keep us in. In the middle of each wall was a large opening, a door, which lead to... I don't know. I stared out of one of the doors. What would the walls be keeping us from? What-or where-do the doors lead to?

"Hey, Chav, you okay?" a girl stepped forward and questioned. Chav? What's a Chav? The word Newbie was quite self explanatory, but Chav?
The girl waved a hand in front of my face and giggled. "Earth to the Newb?" I blinked shook my head. "Sorry, I'm fine. By the way, what's a Chav?"
"It means whatever you want it to mean, doesn't necessarily have to mean anything good, or bad. Part of our slang in The Spring. You'll know what words are our slang. I'm Beth."
The girl stuck out a hand and I shook it. Beth had dirty blonde hair with pale blue eyes. Her lips were thin and her nose a little pointy.
"Nice to meet you." I smiled.
"You don't sound like the rest of us, your accents... different. I know! Your British."
I grinned. "I guess I am. Well, see ya 'round!" I waved and walked off. Beth seemed nice. But the girls around here know better than I do.
"See you and Beth are getting along..." a voice said beside me. I turned around to see a girl with long reddish blonde hair and skin as white as snow standing arms folded beside me, glaring at Beth who was walking towards her gang of girls.
"Well-urm-we just met so-"
"She's a right Thunk, so don't get too friendly with her." Judging by the girls tone of voice, the word 'Thunk' meant something bad.
"Er, okay then." I said awkwardly.
"I'm Sonya, second in command."
"Hazel." I said.
"Nice name. That's the only thing anyone of us remembers when we come here. All our memories were wiped by the Creators-they put us here, but we don't know why." Sonya explained.
"Oh. I was just about to ask, thanks."
"No problem. I'll give you the tour later, now just stay here and relax, whatever you do DO NOT go beyond the walls. That's rule number one. Get comfy." Sonya waved cheerily and walked off. Sonya also seemed nice, and I was right: the girls around here know better than I do. I guess I should stay out of Beth's way.

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