Chapter Five

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(A/N: This chapters pretty long, enjoy! And it would be nice if you guys could vote and comment more. Thanks for the views, I'm getting more nearly everyday! And please excuse the bad language GlowingFlames you especially )

The Slaughterhouse is equivalent to HELL.
"You hold the animal like this..." Abi straddled the goat, pressing her weight down on the struggling creature.
"And you pull the head up." Abi pulled the goats head up so high I thought I heard a snap of bone.
"And slice the throat like...this!" Swish! The blade cut a smooth line across the goat's throat. Blood dribbled out, the poor goat was in agony! It's bleats of pain were shattering my heart, I turned away.
"Wh-how can you kill it?" I asked as though Abi was a heartless monster.
"You just do, just think that this goat will not go to waste." Abi wiped her bloody hands on a towel.
"Bloody hell." I gasped.

It was half one when the Cutters were dismissed for lunch. My hands were smeared with animal blood and guts. Abi said I was good at it, and that she could consider me as a Cutter, but the look of pure horror that struck my face obviously made her reconsider considering me as a Cutter.

"Not, enjoying it, are you?" Beth said.
"No shit, Sherlock." I mumbled. Beth laughed. I sighed and munched slowly on my dead chicken stuffed in a sandwhich. Maybe I'll end up like Sonya, becoming a vegetarian due to the terrors in the Slaughterhouse.
"I'm gutting the animals next." I said.
"Yuck." Beth gagged.
Sonya then plopped down beside me.
"Sup Hazel, Beth." She grinned toothily at me and then gave a stone cold glare to Beth.
If looks could kill...
"Hiya Sonya!" Beth waved at Sonya, making the girl scoff.
"You fake Bitch." Sonya hissed unpleasantly.
"Excuse me?"
"Are you deaf?" Sonya raised her tone of voice.
"Are you stupid?"
"Sonya, leave it!" I said.
"Yeah, Sonya, listen to your Thunk of a friend." Beth snarled. I stood up and slammed my hands on the table.
"What did you call me?" I whispered. Beth looked startled at my sudden outburst. Sonya stood up too and folded her arms.
"Oh look, two little Klanks that think they're soo tough. What's the best you can do, pull my ears and pinch my nose?" Beth let out a pig-like snort, shaking her head.
Sonya was one hundred percent right: Beth is a Thunk. I felt so angry. Why did she let down her 'I'm so innocent and precious' act?
"Are you retards just going to stand there?" She asked. Before I could control my trembling fist, I threw it forcefully into Beth's ugly face, hearing a crack in her witchy nose.
"Aagghh! You little-" I was already straddling Beth before she could finish her sentence. I was punching her face repeatedly, my knees tightened around her so she couldn't squirm out of my grip.
The girls in the kitchen were whooping and clapping. Beth's gang were shrieking for the helpless girl to get up. Suddenly all noises of encouragement and disapproval were silenced. I still didn't stop beating the living crap out of Beth. Now you could hear the sound of my fist connecting with her face.
"HAZEL AND BETH!" Harriet yelled. Suddenly two pairs of arms grasped me and pulled me off an unconscious Beth. "I have to finish her!" I demanded, trying to free myself of Sonya and another Springer.
"Rule Two: NEVER harm another Springer. Didn't anybody tell you?" Harriet questioned. I shook my head.
"Well, due to the fact you were unaware of the rule, punishments will not be severe. A night in Lock-up will do some good. You shall now go back to the Slaughterhouse with Abigail."
"Don't be ashamed," Abi said, gutting a turkey, "Beth deserved it. The Klank's fake. She tries to be nice to the Newbie, which lures them into her trap. Her and her gang terrorise the Newb, but to an...extent." Abi threw the last remaining entrails into the large bucket that separates us.
"I don't know what got into me. I lost control. I went insane!" I then started to aggressively yank out the intestines of a pig.
"Gosh, Hazel, look at your top!" Abi gasped, pointing at my tank top. I looked down and saw a bloody mess on my top.
"Yuck! Ewww, gross!" I squealed like a 5 year old whining over their dinner. Abi giggled so much she leaned forward into the bucket of gooey entrails.
"AAGGHHHRRRR!" She yelled. Now it was my turn to laugh. Abi sat up and wiped her face clear of animal insides. "Oh shut up." Abi said, throwing an overflowing handful of guts at me. I shrieked and attacked abruptly.
Soon we were at war, blood and guts flying across the Slaughterhouse.
An hour before supper, Abi and I were tired out, so we went to the shower rooms to clean up. Thankfully, the horrendous smell of blood disappeared, and I was left smelling like mint.

"Hi Sonya." I smiled as I sat beside her, immediately digging into my roast chicken covered in gravy.
"Mmm, the horrors of being a Slaughterhouse Cutter haven't got to you yet it seems." Sonya said. We smiled at each other, but then Sonya frowned.
"What's up?" I asked, concerned.
"You're in Lock-up tonight."
"What's that?"
"When you break a rule, Lock-up is one of many punishments here in the Spring. It's a little holding cell dug in the ground where rule breakers spend a period of time 'thinking about what they've done.' Childish, I know" Sonya explained. I huffed, annoyed I have to spend a night in Lock-up.
"I'll keep you company, if you want. There are no rules about company in Lock-up." Sonya suggested.
"No, Sonya, you don't have to. I deserve a punishment for what I did."
"You sure do." an unfortunate familiar voice growled. Beth slammed her hands down on the table and glared at Sonya and me. Her face was black, purple and green, it was as if a toddler had painted all over her face.
"You look nice." I said sarcastically.
"You are going to pay for this." Beth said directly to me.
"Oh no. I'm so scared." I carried on being sarcastic.
"Think you're clever?"
"Clever than you, yes."
"Fuck you."
"Aww, you two." I grinned toothily at Beth, who's face contorted with an indescribable rage.
"I'll make sure your dead before the next Newbie's arrival." She then sped away.
"Yes! I'd like to see you try." I called after her. Sonya burst out laughing.
"She's never been so angry before. You made her crack."
"Oh." A trickle of fear managed to escape. I shouldn't be afraid of Beth. I'll kill her, if I have to.
"Still up for company?" Sonya brought the subject up again.
"Hell yeah."
The Lock-up cell is literally a hole in the ground. A square hole. On top of the hole is a wooden cell door. A removable ladder is attached to one of the cell walls. Sonya says it's removable so the captor can't climb up and break the door.
I climbed down the ladder, followed by Sonya and jumped onto the cell floor. There was a toilet in one corner and in the centre was a tatty pillow and sack.
"5 star suite, eh?" Sonya said.
"Pure luxury indeed." I replied.
"Get comfy."

Sonya and I talked for ages about literally everything. Soon the sun fell and the moon rose into sight.
"Too bad the stupid maze walls block the sunset." I yawned.
"Mmhmm. The goddam things are so tall." Sonya yawned back.
I still couldn't keep my mind of Beth. How would she try killing me? Would she pass her 'extent'? Would she be punished? Would I be punished for trying to kill her?
"Mm?" The girl answered, almost drifting to sleep.
"What is the punishment for murder in the Spring?"
"Why?" Sonya seemed more alert now.
"Beth said she was going to kill me. What would happen?"
"A Dismissal would be called. When the Guardians and Harriet come to an agreement to send the culprit into the maze, and obviously they wouldn't survive so they...die."
"Yup. If Beth tries to kill you and Harriet or one of the Guardians gets evidence of this happening, Beth will be Dismissed. The same thing will happen to you if you try to kill Beth."

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