Chapter Eight

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"I hate you!" I screamed. Rachel and I were in a bedroom. I was sitting on the bed clutching a pillow, and Rachel was standing in the centre of the room holding her clipboard
"Why, what did I do?" Rachel screamed back.
"'Oh I'm Rachel Moore, the best girl in the world! I'm god! Look at me! I am a Candidate! Unlike my little sister, a complete failure in life.'"
"I am nothing like that!" Rachel shrieked.
"Keep believing that." I mumbled.
"Why're so difficult? I never asked to be a damn Candidate! I know you were promised it!"
"I'm just so annoyed you think you're more superior than me. I also don't care about being a Candidate! I hate WICKED! I don't want to go to the maze!"
"Your friends? They're there!"
"I don't care! You said they were going to kill them! I'm not allowed in the control rooms! I'm stuck in the labs, working in a damn cure you'll never find!"
"Your friends are alive!"
"I don't believe you."
"You'll see for yourself."
"I won't remember them."
"Hazel, please. I love you, you're my little sister. Don't be so difficult."
"Why does everyone say that?"
"Because it's true. You don't listen. You get angered so easily. I don't know what Aris-"
"Don't talk about him." I ripped the pillow in half at the memory of my last disastrous chat with Aris, chucking the two halves in the air and letting the feathers rain down.
"Sorry. It's just... Hazel you need to calm down. It's been worse ever since you and Aris-"
"I said don't talk about him! Rachel, I'm done with this." I huffed and walked out of the room.
"Hazel, wait!"
I spun around on my heels. "What?"
"They're planning to kill you in the maze. Be careful. That's why I'm saying all this to you. You'll ruin the patterns. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Wake up, Hazel, you have Sprinter training!" Liz whispered in me ear.
"Gaah, what time is is?" I moaned
"6:45, I'd let you sleep until 7:00 but I gotta get you prepped. You got 5 minutes to get ready and then I got stuff to give you."
I got up rapidly and sped to the shower rooms, scrubbing myself clean.
The dream... Rachel's my sister? It doesn't make sense. And she said something about WICKED, who're they?
"HURRY HAZEL!" Liz shouted, and I did so.

Liz led me to a hut behind the Builders hut. Crawling on the hut was a metal insect with about twelve legs... how have I not noticed for the time I've been here?
"We call them Skitter bugs, as every time you get close to touch it, it skitters away." Liz pointed out.
"Aah, ok. So, what are you going to give me?"
"See for yourself."
When we entered the little hut, Liz pulled a box off of a large trap door.
"This is where we keep Sprinter supplies. I'll be giving you a pack, running shoes and a weapon of your choice."
The trap door creaked open and Liz hopped in, landing with a slight thud on the floor. I copied, but ended up sprawled out on the floor.
"Agh, help." I said.
"Get up, stupid." Liz giggled, walking over to a cupboard in a medium sized musty room with several cupboards and crates scattered around.
"Here is your backpack." Liz handed me a small, brown backpack that was to around my shoulders and chest. I put it on immediately.
"Perfect fit." I smiled.
"Glad to hear. Now, shoes... what size?"
I hesitated. What show size am I?
"Never mind. Try these on." Liz handed me a pair of black shoes with white soles. They fitted perfectly.
"Good. Right, now for the good part; chose your weapon! Make sure it's light, and keep a few spare knifes on you too." Liz pulled back a wall, revealing a hidden weapon stack.
"Cool." I gasped.
Looking carefully at the mass amount of weapons, I selected a brown bow with blue designs engraved within. The shaft of arrows that hung with the bow upon the wall were also brown with piercings silver tips.
"Can you use a bow?" Liz asked.
"Let's see..." I pulled an arrow out of its shaft and placed it securely in my bow, aiming at a tiny hole in the wall opposite me.
"Hazel, choose an easier-"
I let the arrow fly before Liz could finish her sentence. The arrow stuck in the hole.
"Holy... well, you got your big weapon, now choose your smaller weapon."
I placed my arrow back in its shaft and slung the bow over my free shoulder. I looked carefully at the selection of small knifes and found about fifteen sleek, silver knifes for throwing.
"Test them out." Liz ordered.
I did so, never missing every time I threw.
"You're very good at aim. Thats a good skill against the Grievers." Liz informed me.

I was prepped and armed.
I was ready for the maze.

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