Chapter 14

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Dedicated to LoriKlopp and ChristyAdrolf_

All night I cried. Thinking what had happened between us. How didn't I see that coming?
I was an over thinker before I met him. Before I was introduced to him. And before I the first time I said my love to him.

How can he do this to me? After all I did. I did everything as best as I can for him. To be a good wife to him. What happened to us. Everything we shared is now garbage. He just throw everything away just like that.

I never thought of him doing this to me. I can't think straight. I don't know what to think first. Or even what to do.

"Bella calm down. Its not good foe the baby bella" Alice hugged me careful not to squeeze me tight.

"I called Rose and Emmett" she murmur. I look at her asking what for.

"Because you need your brother's comfort and of course bella. We're your family. We care for you so much. We'll do anything." I hugged her tight.
Thankful that I have friends like her.

Thankful that I have a friend who's always at my back when I need help. Who's always there when you needed someone to talk to and who's there to face your life challenges with them. Win or lose.

She continued "and beside you can't stop them now. Jasper is on the airport waiting for them."
Already their here already?

What time is it? Didn't just few hours ago I heard him..? Oh that was yesterday

And with that I started to sob again.
How can I fix my life with me being broken.
What should I do with him.

I don't think he's happy with me anymore. Maybe I need to talk to my Dad. Maybe Carlisle and Esme will understand.

Maybe I should go somewhere for a while. Should I leave him?

Why did this happened to me?. Did I do something wrong? Am I ready for doing this on my own?.

God I can't think straight.

Suddenly there was a knock. No banging knocks on our door.

"I think thats them!" Alice stood up gracefully.

I burried my face on my pillow hugging myself as if I was cold.

"What happened?" a melodic voice asked. I think that Rosalie. Het voice was soft like a whisper but clear. Maybe she's the one who's playing with my hair.

I heard Alice tell them everything from the reporter's till we hung up the phone.

I can't stop myself but cry and let my tears fall.

"What is she planning?" Jasper asked just when I woke up. I still kept my face burried and act like I'm still asleep.

"I think she's planning on...." Alice was confused and stop for a moment. "Divorce and keeping her baby away from him" that one was one of my many Ideas that I could only think what was right.

"I don't think Dad and Carlisle will be happy with it though. Also mom and esme" Says Emmett.

I smelled food. Yummy food. Smells like steak and mashed potatoes and some mushroom soup.

My stomach growled loudly making everyone laugh.

"Come on bella. We all know your listening" says jasper.

"So you plan on seducing me with food to get up?" I snap jokingly.

"One of my best Ideas" Emmett joked

"Best Ideas? Or you're the one who's hungry and used bella for your pathetic excuse?" Rosalie smacked Emmett at the back of his head.

Scratching it Emmett smiled and winked to Rosalie. I could see love in there eyes.

Love I felt. Love I craved. Love that broke my heart. Tearing it to pieces. And tearing it again piece by piece. Pieces that is now burned and now my heart is nothing but ashes.

"Im sorry if he did this to you Bella.. And I won't Change your mind if you want a divorce. And please don't think of me being on his side because his my Fvcking Idiot brother. Im on your side because I know how it hurts and I'll do the same if things like that happen to me" Rosalie's Melodic voice is good to hear when she's soothing someone. Or me.

"You'll leave me?" Emmett's booming voice distract us. giving her his puppy eyes.

Rosalie rolled her eyes at his childish idiotic ways. " so that means you're planning on doing this to me because your answer should be 'I won't do it to you babe' " I grin like an idiot watching them fight. It's cute to watch. And I envy being the lonely one.

"WOMEN POWER!!" Alice shouted hugging both of us . "Oh no!" We looked at Emmett who has a weird dramatic expression leaning on to a wall.

"Jasper. Jasper. They're winning. We're loosing the battle. Woman pow-" before he finishes a pillow came out of nowhere and makes Emmett's head bump to the wall.

"So what is your plan?" Jasper asked me.

Jasper was quiet but he's soothing. He talks and laughs jut like Emmett he even tell jokes. But most of the time he's quiet when someone is around us.

Alice was the exact opposite of him. She's small.
She's active. Very very active and talkative.

Rose is responsible,independent and organise.
And sadly my brother is not responsible, not independent and most of all not organise.

Maybe that's what soulmates are the exact opposite of you bit still perfect for each other.

Here I am making myself happy. Putting everything together and hoping that I'm making the right decision.


Dear Everyone,

I'm happy that you like every chapters and thankful for your support. I can't promise to update everyday but I'll update as soon as I can. And hope that soon is every other day. Maybe

P.S For more update follow me.

Lot's of love, DRUE ARIELLE❤

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