Chapter 9 :Family

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After signing the papers Edward asked Lily if she'd like to go to the mall..
When we got to the mall we start to shop for Lily's things ..after the walking and talking and stuff..Edward carries Lily the whole time.. Im happy that they get along..
After the mall my phone rang.. I look at the caller and it was Angela
"Hey!" I greeted
"Good evening Bella!" She greeted back
"Good evening! Why did you call?" I asked
"Well I was just gonna inform you about your orphanage will start on Friday..and your flight is tomorrow!" She said then I looked up at Edward "what time is my flight?" I asked
"9:00 pm ..why is there something wrong?" She asked " see Edward and I just adopted a three years old a few hours ago and.." I sighed "Do you want them to come with you?" She asked.I hesitated ..woyld it be okay?"Edward?"I call him looking up
"Do you want to go?" I asked then he nodded "OkayAngela...they'recoming..wait where are we going?"I asked" Um New York city and then Washington States..that's all for now"she answered
I sighed in relief "Do you know if there's place we can have..".." Some family Time! "She finished my sentence " uh..yes something like that.."I said
"Of course,I'll work on it" then before she hung up I have a bright Idea "Angela?" I called "yes,bella?"
"You could invite Ben if you'd like so you'll have a company with you!" I said with a giggle "really?" She asked "Of course we can have 3 days vacation with our love ones..and it's time for you to have your
vacation with Ben" I said with a smile "oh thank you.. Thank you.." She said again and again "you're welcome!" I said then hung up.. I looked up at Edward then pecked on his lips..

"You'll grant my wish tonight.." Edward whispered on my ears while I put Lily on her bedroom.."I don't know...I still hate you for breaking your promise "I said then walked out of the room with him pouting
...When we got to our room he started to kiss the back of my neck and pulled me
around so I was facing him..
He kiss me passionately on the lips long enough for us to catch our breath..
"I hate it when I hate you doing this to me"I whispered on his ears while he was carrying me and kissing my neck up to my jaws..I moaned .. I felt his lips smiles while kissing my neck..
" do you forgive me?"he asked between kisses "I'll think about it.." I answered with a giggle .. Then someone knocked on the door.."mommy?"Lily called "mommy" she called again with a sob Edward and I stare to each other then when She knocked again I stood up..Good thing I didn't fall to Edward's charm or I'll be naked by now..
"Yes,honey?" I asked opening the door
"Can I sleep with you?" She asked with a sob
"Why is there a problem?" I asked again
"Did you have a nightmare?" She nodded I looked at my back seeing Edward shirtless,pouting..I chuckled how childish behavior Edward have.."come on.."I said as I picked her up
"You save me for tonight!" I praised her while putting her beside me..she hugged me with both of her small hands then kissed me on my cheeks as well as Edwards.. Then we said our good nights..
She put her haid on the crook of my neck then Edward hugged the both of us then putting his chin at the top of my head..

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Read my othet book.."Complications"

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