Chapter 1: Dinner

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Tonight Im gonna meet my soon to be Family. At First I was angry when my parents told me about it.

"Oh honey..get over it!!.." mom said "since when did this arrange marriage-"mom cut me off " since when the you we're born"she answerd while grinning.

"So he's older than me?" I asked mom nodded.."1 year exactly" It wasn't bad actually I've heard about him cause he's a great actor and the last time I've watched the news is all about him and his girlfriend....

It was 4pm and they'll be here at 6pm sharp..Rosalie,Edward's older sister and I been friends with Alice a few years ago when we're shooting for a magazine..while deciding what to wear I heard Rose and Emmett laughing.. Happy for them. Alice is now married with her long time boyfriend Jasper he's a model as well..and here I am marrying Edward Cullen.The most handsome man living..that what's the Hollywood life said..When a magazine was taking pictorials with the actors of Hollywood and they announced that Edward is the Most handsome man living.. Well that's nice for him.. It was disappointing at first cause I'd never been into probably this marriage thing won't last..

I picked a dark Blue dress that gives my pale skin a glow.. Its a dark blue dress with twirly Black patterns..and I picked Dark blue stilettos to match my dress when I heard a honk from a car I started to make my way from the stairs and I saw Emmett and Rosalie on the couch talking..huh..good for Emmett then Emmett saw me then Rosalie looked at me with a smile "Mom! Bella's here!" Emmett said then mom and Esme walk to me "you looked good Sweetie" Mom hugged me then someone knocked Esme walk to the door grinning widdly like Renée Rosalie walk to me and hugged me whispering "Im glad you two had an arrange marriage" she said as I looked at her confused she laughed like I was joking "I meant was Its good to have a beautiful and kind sister..cause you know when you're an actor and all you should have a partner and his past partners are not likely as good like you..I mean you heard about Tanya Denali?" She asked and I nodded..I've heard about her ..about their relationship actually.."Uh yes I've heard about them actually " then she looked at my back then back at me again "Oh so you'd heard about the cheating scandal she'd made!" She said then whispered "we'll talk later" then she smiled at me and then walk back to Emmett "nice!" I mouted at Emmett as he put his arms around Rosalie's waist then he nodded while grinning then Rosalie winked at me When I looked at Esme she's holding a tall was right handsome too we are all in a line Carlisle is at first then Charlie,Renée,Rosalie,Emmett and then Me..Esme introduce each of us to Edward

"Edward this is Bella Swan" Esme smiled then I smiled at her then to Edward we shook hands and lead the way to the dinning room Dad and Carlisle sat at the both ends of the table mom and esme were on their sides then Rosalie is on Esme's side while on her other side was Emmett then I seated beside my mom while Edward seated beside me ..."Well I love your Dress Bella"Rosalie said starting a conversation "thank you I love yours too"

Then Esme smile seeing Emmett and Rosalie "well I think we will be planning two weddings at the same time!" We all laughed then I looked at Edward and he gazed to me I quickly dropped my eyes then Esme clapp with Renée "Look Renée they're matched!looked at them" Then Edward and I looked at each other ..his inner shirt is dark blue and he wore a black business suit and a black pants..I didn't saw his shoes though.."you're right Esme..Did you two talked to each other about this??"Mom said in a teasing voice I rolled my eyes then Carlisle and Charlie burst out laughing "So Edward and Bella when are you planning the wedding?" Carlisle asked

"Uh I think we need to slow down" I saw Mom and Esme pouted "I mean Edward and I doesn't know each other much" I said as I looked at Edward "Bella's right and Im busy with the movie..maybe we could talked about the wedding after the movie..maybe next month,so Im not busy anymore..for now Bella and I should get to know each other" Edward stated and I nodded in agreement then Edward smiled at me..maybe he's nice after all.

While having the dinner with all the laughing and stuff every time I looked at Edward he flashed a smile at me then sometimes I feel his stares at me..

After the dinner,after talking and laughing.Carlisle and Charlie got to Dad's office.Esme and mom walk to the living room.. Emmett invited Rosalie to tour her all around the house then they asked if they wanted me and Edward to join them I nodded and so did Edward.. Emmett make a lot of jokes about me and every time I blushed then when we came to Emmett's room Rosalie and Emmett kissed like we're not there then when the kissed got deeper I was shocked of whats happening someone put their hands at my eyes so I wont see then someone holded my hand I felt electricity passed through us then he lead me away when we got outside the hands fell then I could see again "Oh my god!" I whispered to myself I was shocked about that..Emmett is lucky.. Happy for him "Is this you're room?" Edward asked looking at the violet door..I nodded "Wanna come in?" I asked then he nodded "'re my fiancé after all so they wouldn't mind" and he chuckled and smiled at me..

"So you like to read books?" He asked then a few hours later every time I looked at him I saw a greek god or an angel smiling at me when his phone rang he answered it

"Sure...yes..we need to talk tomorrow... Okay..bye" then he hung up then looked at me and smiled "Um Bella, since you and I had been in an arrange marriage and we're trying to get to know each other would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked then I hesitated.. What about the press,the media..then he saw my frustration "don't worry about the press..we need to show them that we're dating" I nodded "I'll see you tomorrow then" I nodded and asked "uh what time?"

He hesitate "Uh maybe at lunch and maybe you can go with me on set,if you'd like" I nodded "uh wait isn't you're shooting the movie with Tanya?" I asked and then someone knocked

"Mr.Cullen you're parents are leaving" the maid said then Edward nodded and then he kissed me on my cheeks then I blushed..

He chuckled and whispered to my ears "don't worry about her" then got out of my room..I followed him as I passed Emmett's room I saw Rosalie got out of bed then straighten her dress and chuckled ..

Rosalie was at the stairs while everyone are saying goodbyes..

Carlisle and esme got on the first car..Rosalie was on the other one I think its Red convertible and Edward on his volvo..

We wave at them then I yawned and say goodnights to everyone and got to my room,clean my self and sleep..

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