Chapter thirteen- Big hips suck

Start from the beginning

"Here's the thing about angels, TJ. They don't, how should I put this- They don't feel anything." He said. Now I was confused.

"What's this about?" I asked skeptically. He ran a hand through his hair.

"I know you have a crush on Castiel." He said quickly. I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing. "But angels can't love- they just can't."

Pause the story for a moment- do you remember earlier on when I said I sucked at acting? Yea- well I really had no choice at this point in time but to act, So I take that back. I'm a great actor. Some one get me a Grammy- I deserve one more then Leonardo Dicaprio. (Okay maybe I wasn't that good but- Oh just see for yourself.)

"What?" I asked, purposely making my voice crack. I looked at him pretending to be confused. "But-"

"No- TJ, I know this sucks but It's the truth." He said placing an awkward hand on my shoulder. I sniffed a couple times, before letting out a loud sob and covering my face in my hands.

"This always happens!" I cried. "Always!"

"TJ- I- I didn't mean to make you cry, I just-" He stuttered.

"It's okay-" I sniffed, wiping away the fake tears I had managed to squeeze out. "It's not the end of the world." I bit my lip to make it look as if I was holding in tears- and technically I was. Tears of laughter!

"I'm sorry- I- I shouldn't have told you while you were sick." He stuttered. I nodded.

"I had to know sooner or later." I sniffed. "If you don't mind-" I started nodding towards the door. "I would like to be alone for a minute." He nodded and left.

As soon as the door shut, I burst out laughing and flopped back on to my bed. My head started to throb once more- making me stop laughing. I moaned and rolled on to my side. Being sick sucks.

After a while of being lazy in my room, I made my way down stairs to see Ryan. I hadn't talked to him in about three days. (And the best sister award goes to-)

When I opened up the dungeon door, I didn't like what I saw. Ryan was huddled in a small ball on the floor. He had one thin blanket on top of him that he had sweat through and he was shaking under it. The room smelt a lot like vomit. He heard the doors up and slowly lifted his head. His face was as white as white could be, his eyes blood shot, and his lips purple.

"Your sick?" He said, slowly sitting up. I rushed over to him, stepping into the devils trap. I helped him sit up and leaned him against the wall.

"Compared to you? No- I'm not." I said quietly. "Let me go get you a new blanket."

"No-" he said shaking his head. "No it's okay, Sam brought this one down ten minutes ago." I looked down at the wet blanket."

"Gosh Ryan, what is wrong with you?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

"The blood." He muttered. "Told you it sucked." I reached my hand up and wiped some of his long brown hair out of his eyes. He looked up at me, his eyes flicking black for a few moments before they flicked back to normal.

"Wait- Ryan do that again-" I said, my voice sounding scratchier then before. He did as I asked. His eyes were black, but not as black as normal. They were more of a dark, grey. "Your eyes-"

"I know." He said. "It means it's working." He started coughing, loudly and hard. He leaned over onto his hands and knees and coughed, dark blood splattering on the floor beneath him. I placed a hand on his back.

"How much longer do you have to do this?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Not much longer." He said sitting back against the wall. A small trickle of blood rolled down his chin. I examined his face, then leaned in and hugged him tightly.

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