Chapter 20

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I woke up surrounded by my family. Fang was on my left and Phoenix on my right. Phoenix looked so peaceful when she slept. Fang had his arm loped over his head, covering his eyes. I rubbed my eyes and carefully got out of bed. I crept out of the room and walked outside. I unfurled my wings, and jumped up into the air. I flew around, studying the one green landscape, full of humans and animals everyone. It was now a ghost town. The grass was dead, and there were almost no tree's left. I spotted a sign, giant block letters facing a road through the town. I flew down and landed behind it. The letters were bigger than me, and a few had fallen down. I climbed through a O and walked to the other side of the road. From the few letters left, I made out the word.


I knew we were close to my mums house but I didn't think we were that close! I smiled, spread my wings and flew back into town. And that's when I decided.

We weren't going to fly to my mums house. I figured the Flock was tired enough, with all the flying in the past few days. I spotted one of those new 7 seater cars parked in front of the house. The car was locked. I found an open window and entered the house, found the keys, and walked out through the front door. I unlocked the car and looked at the controls, figuring each one out, beforing driving back to the house.

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