"Oh. Sorry, it's just you never mentioned that you are a freaking billionaire."

"I'm not. My parents are. You really think I get any of that money?" He asks grimly

"Uh sorry, I just, yeah know, if I lived in a mansion that would be the first thing I tell people about me." I awkwardly laugh to try and cover up the tension.
He smiles a little
"Well that's why you don't live in a mansion."

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

"With great power comes great responsibility." He says in a old man voice.
We both laugh and I look up at him and he does the same. And for a moment it feels like we've known each other for years. I stare into his beautiful blue eyes and study his smile.
Both magnificent.

"So?" Phil looks down and breaks the silence "Shall we go to my room?"

"Yeah. Lead the way."

He takes me to these grand marble stairs and we start going upward. In the corner of my eye I see something sparkling. I look over and there's a pool.
There's a pool on the second floor.
"There's a pool on the second floor!"

"Well yeah, did you expect us to have a normal pool. Dan, I'm far from normal."

When we reach the top of the stairs there is a large game room area and then two hallways with two doors down each one.

He leads me down the left hallway and his room is the first door on the right.

The rest of the house looks like it cost a million dollars, Phil's room is the only 'normal' looking room. It's nice.
It's cozy.
I like it better than the fancy expensive stuff downstairs.
Don't get me wrong, it's a huge room with an attached bathroom, which is also huge, but it's nice.
I take my first step into his room and I step on something. It feels like a Lego. I pick my foot up and look down.
I pick up the package and realize it's a package of blades.
"Trying to murder me?" I ask playfully, waving the package in his face.

"Darn you've exposed me. No but actually I was doing some work around the house and I had to change the box cutter blade."

"So you just leave random blades everywhere!?"

"Yep." He snatches it out of my hand and places it on top of his dresser then looks back at me.
There's probably about a good minute of awkward silence before he speaks.

"Soo do you want to like play some video games or something?"


"Move, you little bitch!"

"You whore!"

"get away from me!"

We both laugh at Phil's exclamation. We had been playing sonic for about an hour and it was pure bliss. I mean we were screaming profanities at each other, but it was still bliss. It was cute when he died because he'd just sit there screaming at the tv and then at me, and I didn't even care. I enjoyed it. Just being able to sit there and actually call him my friend.
We finish the level and Phil asks me if I wanted snacks.
"Uh sure, if it's not too much trouble."

"Are you kidding me?"
He gets up and walks about five feet before reaching a wardrobe. I look at him puzzled a moment before he opens it.
It's a fridge.
There's a fridge in his room.
"Are you kidding me!"
I mean it wasn't a huge full size fridge but it defiantly wasn't a tiny dorm room mini fridge.
"So what do you want?"

"Um soda I guess and, do you have like fruit or anything?"

"Fruit? Are you kidding me?"

"What can I say. I gotta keep a nice bod." I shrug and we both laugh
"Whatever man."
He tosses me a soda and then a box of strawberries.
He grabs himself a soda and a cupcake. 
"Really? You're really gonna eat cake in front of me?"

"You had your chance."

I pick up my soda and notice Phil's eyes on me.

"Nothing dude."
I stare at him a second more before shrugging it off and open my bottle.
Soda goes spraying all over me and before I can react, I'm practically drenched.
My sounds of agony are muffled by Phil literally dying on the floor.
"I hate you." I say harshly

"I know!" He literally has tears rolling down his face.
What a bitch.

After about a minute or so he collects himself and sits back down on the edge of the bed.
"Man I feel bad but then I think about your face and then all the guilt goes away."
I don't say anything and Phil's smile fades.
I'm drowning.
Drowning in his eyes.
His beautiful burning blue eyes.
God, he was an amazing person.
Then just like that, his eyes vanished.
Covered by his eyelids as he moved in closer to me.
I do the same. Closing my eyes and leaning in.
Our lips collide and it was the best moment in my life.
The sweetest moment.
The loveliest moment. 

But also the moment that felt the most wrong. I couldn't believe I was kissing a guy. I mean I barely even knew him. 

My eyes fling open and I pull my lips away from his.
He opens his eyes and I search for words. I frantically stand up and grab my phone.
"Uh.. look, I'm sorry, but I can't. I think I should go."
He nods in agreement but looks down and quietly mutters, "no I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what came over me."
I rush out of his room, down the stairs, and out the front door and practically sprint to my car. I get in the front seat as panicked tears start to fill my eyes. God, what did I just do?

Ayyyeee! I'm not dead! Surprise! Okay so I know this is an extremely crappy chapter and I'm sorry.

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