Chapter Seventy-One

Começar do início

"Is she okay?"


"Is she upset about being pregnant? I know she's never been fond of the idea." Mrs. Everdeen says.

"She's not upset."

"You shouldn't have pushed her into a pregnancy that she didn't want. Then maybe this wouldn't be happening." She tells me.

I freeze, my heart about to shatter.

"I didn't push her into anything. I thought you'd at least be happy about this since a year ago, you were so 'anxious' for grandchildren. Yet, ever since we got married, you still don't seem to care about any of us." I say frustratedly.

She called after we sent the announcement and that was it, she hasn't called once since.

Let alone put in any effort since April.

"I'm not interested in arguing with you."

"Neither am I but I don't understand your reasoning behind ignoring Katniss. Especially during one of the sone of the important milestones of her life." I tell her.

"I'm sorry. As long as Katniss is okay." She says.

"She's fine but you're not even going to ask about your granddaughter?"

Finnick raises his eyebrows at me, kind of in shock by what he's hearing.

"No. I don't want to love anyone else. That's why I'm keeping my distance from you all. Especially now that you're bringing a child into the world." She mumbles slowly before hanging up.

I drop my phone on the table and Finnick sighs, "What just happened?"

"She pretty much doesn't care either way."

"About Katniss or Willow?"

"Both, I guess."

"I'm sorry, man." Finnick groans.

"It's fine. I just don't understand and I don't know if I should tell Katniss what she said."

He sighs deeply, "You know she's hiding how upset she is about her mother."

"I know." I tell him.

I know she's really upset about it all and has been since the beginning of May, her birthday.

"What were you and Katniss fighting about?" Finnick asks.

"I don't want to talk about it." I say truthfully.

He nods, "She's going to be okay. Both of them will be."

"I'm just terrified. We don't exactly have the best of luck."

"Sure you do. You have Katniss and you're having Willow, aren't you?"

I smile a little, he's right.

"Yeah, I guess it's just that everything that's happened the past few months, it's rough. It's literally as if we don't get a break. Yesterday was Katniss's 6 month appointment and I haven't felt so so so ridiculously happy in a long time. I've been happy but it was like I was on top of the world. We get home and it all changed and now, we are here."

"Man, I know you've been having a rough time lately but it's going to be fine. You gotta be there for Katniss and Willow though."

"I know, I will be. I intend to be."

"Okay, I just wanna make sure." He says.

"I know that I've been horrible to her lately but it's hard."

"I know, Peeta. I'm not saying anything about that. You know how Katniss is, she needs you more now than she ever has. More than when Prim died and more than when anything has happened." He tells me.

I nod my head, knowing he is exactly right.

"And I'm going to be there for her."

He nods his head.

"Do you think that I'm not going to?" I ask him frustratedly.

"No, I'm just making sure." Finnick says but I know he thinks I'm going to leave her or something ridiculous but hasn't that been the threat lately?


I shrug and finish my food, Finnick does too.

"Do you think they'll allow her to eat?"

He nods his head.

"I'm going to get her something." I say standing up, throwing both of our food trash away.

He doesn't follow.

I order Katniss some chicken and a little salad and some ice water and head back upstairs.

When we get there, I find Bristol and Carter in Katniss's room. 

"Hey." I say, walking to Katniss who's awake now.

She smiles a little at me, "Are you feeling better?" I ask her, leaning down and kissing her forehead, she's sitting up now and looks a lot better.

"Lots, there's still tightness in my stomach, just not as bad." Katniss tells me.

I nod my head, "I brought you some food."

"Good. I was going to ask if you'd get me something, the nurses said it was fine."

"Well, here you go." I say, putting it on a bedside table and rolling it to her.

She smiles softly at me and digs in.

I sit down next to Bristol, who sits next to Annie and Finnick is on the opposite side of the three chairs and spot a pair of little brown eyes on me, watching me

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora