Chapter 12: The Cinderella Contract

Start from the beginning

All the more reason to stay exactly three feet from him on the sidewalk.

We both stayed silent, whether it was because we didn't want to talk or we had nothing to say. I glanced at the surroundings, though it was just a bunch of shops and restaurants. I did my best to play it cool.

Instead I almost fell.

For the third time.

Yep. Totally cool Storm.

And cue sarcastic conscience.

Rolling my eyes at my own stupidity and clumsiness, I cleared my thoughts, focusing where I was going by staring at the ground. I hadn't realized Wes had stopped until I felt his arm on my stomach, halting me from walking into a building.

Great work, Storm. You did it again.

I looked up and saw the words 'Pawnshop' in light-up block letters. It was a large building was painted white, though it looked old, the paint faded and cracked. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see what was inside.

Wes didn't look at me, he just stared at the shop. "Here's our stop." He said casually. I took in his solid expression and looked back over at the glass doors. A hand stuck out and grabbed one of the handles and pulled it open. Wes put his hand out and ushered me into the building. I took one last uneasy glance at the old building before taking a step inside.

The first thing I noticed was how warm it was inside. The second thing I noticed was how dark it was. Suddenly, a light was switched on and the room lit up.

The place was huge, shelves were everywhere filled with trinkets and treasures of all kinds. It was a lot to take in. It wasn't messy, in fact, everything seemed to have its own specific place among the masses of oddities. My eyes zeroed in on a collection of animals made of colored glass. Each one was unique and beautiful, shining in the pale light of the shop.

My gaze traveled all around the shop, observing every detail. I had never been to a place like this, so it was different.

But a...good kind of different.

I was interrupted by Wes, who coughed into his hand to get my attention. My focus snapped to where he was standing. He was next to a large gray metal door with a sign that had the words 'Staff Only' printed in bold ink. A keypad was on the handle.

It reminded me of the library and I suddenly just wanted to curl up with a good book.

But then again, I would have to face Terri.

Clearing my thoughts I looked at Wes expectantly. He motioned for me to follow him as he opened the heavy gray door and held it open for me to go through. I stopped when I had almost went in.

"Am I allowed in there?" I wondered aloud.

Wes rolled his eyes. "It is where the boss is. So I would say yes."

I made a face at his obvious sarcasm and headed through the doorway. It was a large, brightly lit hallway that had doors lined up all the way to a big brown door at the end. It had words printed on the wood, but I couldn't read it. People were walking in and out of the doors with papers and boxes in their hands.

I felt the heat of Wes from behind me. "By the way, don't mention any of this to anyone."

I just nodded, not really paying attention. Wes passed me and strode to the end of the hallway. I walked behind him. He entered something on another keypad before turning to me. "This is where my boss is. Do not say anything stupid."

I shot him an annoyed glared. "I don't always say dumb stuff." I protested.

His eyebrows rose. "Really? I guess I'll take your word for it." He replied, entering the room. I caught the handle just before the door closed but paused. This was it. Now, there was no turning back.

The Cinderella ContractWhere stories live. Discover now