“It’s true Carla, even though you’re my sister and I’m biased; you’re still far more beautiful than those witches.”

“I love you Eddy, you’re the best.”

“Love you too Carls.”


Bridget couldn’t believe her eyes as she saw the famous Mr Edward Cartwright for the first time. Sure she’d heard from his own sisters that he didn’t resemble them, but this was just insane. He was almost blonde, tall and broad.

“Can you see it too?” her mother asked as she gripped her hand tightly. “Oh dear lord, what’s going to happen when Lady Cartwright gets here?”

“Is Uncle James here?”

“He said he’s coming, once they’re in the same room it will be impossible not to notice.”

“There’s only one thing we can do then, to stop scandal.” Bridge stated. “Stop Uncle James from coming, or at least get rid of him as soon as possible.”

“What has got you two in such a tizz?” James asked seeing his sister and niece hissing at each other with their faces barely a centimetre apart. “Susie?”

“Get out!” she hissed pushing him back out of the side door he just appeared from.

“Did you see Edward Cartwright; he looks just like –Oh hello Uncle James!” Catherine grinned seeing her mother and uncle wrestling in the doorway. “Did you hear what’s going around, apparently he prefers Welsh daffodils and Scottish blooms to the English Rose.”

“Well that’s going to win him a lot of mama’s.” Susie stated, pushing at her brother’s solid chest to get him to move.

“Judith’s here.” He stated taking her wrists in his hands. “Susie, what do I do?”

“Get out!” she shouted at the same time as Bridget.


“Because you didn’t want to come anyway and we’ve already told the dowager’s you’re not coming and they always get over excited when you’re here.” Catherine stated joining her sister and mother, despite not knowing the reason. “Go get pissed Uncle James.”

“Language!” they all scolded as she shrugged.

“Fine, I’ll go.” He shrugged, not really caring for smiling at people he hated for the rest of the night. “But we’re going to the restaurant for lunch tomorrow, I’ve missed you three.”

“See you tomorrow Uncle James!” the girls grinned waving as Susie sighed with relief.

“That was too close of a call.” Susie sighed as Bridge nodded along, while Catherine waited confused.

“Did you not see Mr Cartwright?” Bridget finally asked, throwing her hands in the air at her sister.

“Oh yes!” she laughed, “I was going to say; doesn’t he look just like Uncle James?”

“So, where’s Michael?” Susie asked changing the subject, once satisfied her youngest daughter was on the same page as them all

“Oh playing cards, so I came to see you.” She grinned, “How are you Mother?”

“Tired.” She laughed, “But happy.”

“Good, oh there’s Lady Cartwright and her daughters!” Catherine grinned pulling the other two behind her. “How are you enjoying the ball?”

“Immensely, though it seems my son has caused a craze already.” Lady Cartwright laughed, shaking her head.

“Yes, I’ve heard.” Catherine grinned, “English Roses aren’t his taste apparently.”

“Good thing we’re married and our feelings aren’t hurt.” Bridge grinned as Elsie laughed.

“He only said it to make Carla feel better, there are some girls being cruel to her. I don’t know why she’s so affected, it’s not like any of us are blonde.”

“Apart from Eddy.” Maria stated, “Typical for the man to be beautiful, he doesn’t need it he’s a giant!”

“I’ve actually witnessed a woman faint when he spoke to her.” Elsie sighed rubbing her temples, “I swear, we never did that sort of thing.”

“No, women are flakier than ever.” Susie stated quietly, hoping the barb would hit Lady Cartwright.

“A good thing we’re made of stern stuff hey Lady Monroe?” she asked, her accent lilting before she swayed slightly. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ve pushed myself this evening and anyway I miss my baby.”

“Mama.” A male voice stated as the man of the moment appeared by her shoulders, his large hands wrapping around her waist, “Let me take you home.”

Susie looked up and saw her brother, just twenty years younger, “You’re a good son looking after your mother.”

He smiled and nodded at her before he spirited his mother away, “If you’ll excuse me, my brother’s disappeared.” Susie stated nodding to the other two Cartwright women and leaving through the same side door she’d recently pushed James through.


“Are you sure you’re alright mama?” Edward asked as he supported her almost entirely as they waited for the carriage to be brought around.

“Fine darling, just tired.” She yawned; her accent the strongest Edward could remember hearing, “That last birth knocked me for six. I’ll be alright in the morning.”

“If you say so.” He frowned lifting her off her feet as her head hit his shoulder and walking over to a footman. “Call a doctor and send him to Cartwright House, my mother’s obviously not recovered after the last birth.”

The footman nodded and disappeared as the carriage was brought around, “Fast as you can, she needs to get home.”

“What’s this?” Sir Richard asked as Edward literally kicked the door open fifteen minutes after leaving the ball.

“She fainted at the ball, the doctor’s on his way.”

“You know your way; I’ll keep an eye out for the doctor.” Richard stated, putting aside his hate for the man for a moment. “Strip her down to the shift, the doctor will need to check on her properly.”

Edward heard the instructions as he entered his mother’s room. The wet nurse jumped at the sight and immediately put the baby to bed and set about helping. As they removed the thick midnight, velvet skirts they saw the blood, “Go and tell Sir Richard this isn’t going to be a quick fix.”

Edward nodded and hit the landing just as the doctor did. “How is she?”

“Bleeding, the wet nurse is with her.”

“Take the baby; this isn’t going to be a quick fix.” He stated lifting the baby from her basket and putting her in Edward’s arms before shutting the door behind him.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t get her here earlier.” Edward said, finding Sir Richard slumped against the wall further down the hall.

“It’s not your fault; you didn’t do anything.” He snapped, “Your father and her did it all, sent me crazy.” Edward froze, ice ran down his spine as he watched Sir Richard, “Thought you were mine, really? Look at us Edward, we are nothing alike. All I wanted was a son of my own, not to pass the title on to another man’s son.”

“I didn’t know.” He whispered. “Makes sense why you hated me.”

“Yes, it does.” Richard laughed bitterly, “You can look after her; I’ve never been good with babies.”

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