Day 16: July 14 (Tuesday)

Start from the beginning

On my way to approaching Toadette, I suddenly notice the guys (except for a few) all crowding together. What are they doing? I join the group to find out.

DK and Mario are arm wrestling and everyone else is watching. It turns out that various people have already arm wrestled, and this is just the current match. After about one minute Mario finally wins, which is impressive because DK is quite strong.

"Good job, Mario," DK high fives Mario.

"Thanks," Mario grins.

I nearly forget about my initial plan of apologizing to Toadette. But, you know what? It's actually not a big deal. I mean, whatever I said to Toadette during our argument was true. She just makes a big deal over everything. And besides, she seems okay without me because I've noticed that she has been talking to more people than before.

I don't think I should apologize to Toadette yet. We're both perfectly fine without each other after all.

~ Koopa's POV ~

"Good job, Mario," DK high fives Mario. 

"Thanks," Mario grins. 

 A lot of the guys, including myself, are gathered together in some kind of arm wrestling tournament. DK and Mario just went up against each other, and Mario won. In fact, Mario has won every single match he has participated in today. 

 "Who's next to arm wrestle me?" Mario asks. No one answers him because he beat most of us already. Mario is most likely the best arm wrestler among us. 

 "I challenge one of you," a voice than isn't one of ours suddenly speaks. We all turn to face the direction of that voice. Bowser has joined us. 

"Hey," some of us say in attempts to be friendly. 

 "I challenge one of you," Bowser repeats. "So, which of you wimps want to arm wrestle me?" 

 We look at one another in curiosity. Bowser coming to us is completely unexpected because it feels like he hates everyone- he usually isolates himself. If everyone was enthusiastic about arm wrestling a few minutes ago, I wonder who is now. 

 "I'll go against you," Mario tells Bowser after a moment, stepping closer to him. 

"At least one person isn't as much of a scaredy cat. Such a shame this person is way too arrogant," Bowser shakes his head. I notice that a few of the other guys are beginning to get annoyed with Bowser. 

"Stop talking, let's get straight to the match," Mario says. 

"You think you're the best, don't you?" Bowser mutters. He and Mario kneel on either side of the large rock and grip hands. They begin arm wrestling. 

It's an intense match. At first the hands barely move, which means they're applying equal amounts of strength. Then, Bowser's hand becomes more powerful than Mario's. But he doesn't win just yet because Mario gains strength and is soon closer to winning than Bowser. Bowser's hand is slowly lowered by Mario's, until it touches the rock. Mario has won an arm wrestling match against Bowser that was more than twice as long as the other matches. 

"I took on your challenge, are you happy now?" Mario stands up. I notice him winking at someone from afar, presumably Rosalina. I'm pretty sure he has a crush on her.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," Bowser snaps at Mario. "I can break your bones if I wanted to badly enough." 

"Oh, I'd like to see you try-" Mario is interrupted by Waluigi.

"Mario, calm down," Waluigi murmurs. Mario follows Waluigi's advice, quietly crossing his arms and staring at Bowser. 

"My business here is done," Bowser states. "I should have known that I'd be wasting my time by approaching pathetic cowards." He then leaves us alone. 

Why does Bowser hate everyone so much? Is it because of something we did to him? We want to be kind to him, but it's as if he wants the opposite. He's just forming rivalries with many of us, and he's clearly doing so on purpose. But, why??? I guess there are some blanks that will never be filled in... 

"Come on, guys," Diddy glances at us. "Cheer up! We're supposed to be happy in this camp!" 

 I agree with Diddy. We should think positively as much as possible! Camp Tanooki is great, and I want to make the most of my time here.

Sorry, this isn't a very good chapter in my opinion! This A/N is probably gonna end up being another long one because I'm a person who tends to ramble a lot. Anyways, it has only occurred to me really recently that this book is actually a crossover! It's a crossover between the DK, Mario, and Wario series. And I thought it was only a Mario fanfic... Anyways this is a crossover book because Diddy, Dixie, and Tiny are not Mario characters, they're DK characters. And Mona isn't a Mario character either, she's a Wario character. You're reading a crossover right now! Come to think of it, I've only played like 2 DK games and I've never played a Wario game before. Also, you can leave POV requests in the comments if you want to tell me whose POVs you want to see in the next few chapters. And I'm curious- in general, do you like thinking of Toad and Toadette as a couple or as siblings? You can answer that in the comments. I don't know which option I prefer, both of them are good ideas to me... Not at the same time of course! Hahaha. Btw according to, most of the Camp Tanooki chapters are 9th/10th grade in reading level which is actually pretty surprising. In case you didn't know, I'm about to be in 9th grade. Aannnd I'm really sad because I'm going back to school in less than a month... Well please follow GrandStar05 and Nintyler because why not? Anyways please add, comment, vote, etc. Thanks!


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