The Breaking

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"It starts with a simple answer, but ends with another." I said. "What is that supposed to mean?"
She slapped me, "How am I supposed to know?"
The sign doesn't say anything coherent to our spelling. It looks Russian.
"Fuck it." I said.
I slammed my foot on the gas and flew into the gate. It burst open leaving metal scraps lying on the ground. Sparks flew around the car.
"See that was easy." I looked at Chelsea.
I turned to the front windshield and saw blue and red sirens. I put the joyride to an immediate halt. The cops seemed to know why we were coming here.
Through the speakers one cop yelled, "Get out of the car!"
Chelsea hid down under the dashboard. I grabbed the gun from the glovebox and opened the door.
"What is that?" I stepped out of the vehicle.
There was a blue myst that began to overwhelm us. The shrine that contained the portal was beginning to be overrun. The cops turned around to see if I was bluffing.
I pulled the gun on them and fired. Two shots went into one of the three cops. I ducked shortly after.
"You bastard!" The first one yelled.
I popped up and shot another one. The remaining cop shot a couple and missed me. I popped up again and shot his ankle. The blood burst out as he yelled in pain.
I slowly walked towards him, "You see? Just because you have more people, doesn't mean you have more power. Your two dead friends over there can't help you now."
I pulled the trigger in between his eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Chelsea yelled. "We are going to get imprisoned for life because of this."
I smirked, "I thought this place wasn't real."
She shrugged off the fact that I proved her wrong. She passed me and stepped up to the shrine. The markings were that of a child's drawing. There were scribbles everywhere, and for some reason they were familiar. It was like a feeling of déjà vu.
Chelsea pressed against the shrine and made it shoot a heavy beam into the sky. It was a dark red color that pushed lighter red bubbles outwards. The bubbles were exploding in the sky.
"What the hell did you just do?" I asked.
She turned to the city, "I'm causing the end of this world. This is the job that we were supposed to do. We are the ones to cause chaos here! We are your nightmare!"
I dropped to my knees. So this is why that happened in the dream. Everyone died in the end of it. I sat back and died with them.
I looked up at Chelsea, "I get it now, but I have to do something and I don't care if it kills me."
I got up and turned to the city. I scanned the horizon for a black apartment with an antennae satellite on the roof. It was the place that I was killed in the dream.

Half an hour of running into the city and I made it to the center. I stopped and checked around. The bubbles were beginning to head over the city.
Bystanders were screaming but not moving.
"Stop fucking standing and move your asses!" I yelled.
I turned towards the statue. A bubble landed in the fountain and lifted the statue in the air. It crashed only short of five feet away from me. The shock of the landing lifted the ground, sending me and others to the dirt.
I hurried to my feet and continued running. Houses were exploding and dozens dying. Blood, debris and dirt mixed together through the chaos.

I entered the blackened building. The floor I was on when killed was 4-D. The house was set ablaze on the first floor.
Making it to the door I burst inside. There was a boy sitting at the window. His face was amazed at the sight of his city being destroyed.
I slowly walked to him tearing up in the process. He turned to me, "This is the end isn't it?"
I sat down next to him, "Listen...I will not let you die, but you need to come with me okay?"
He laughed.
My confusion skyrocketed, he laughed at me.
A demonic voice took over him, "You cannot change what has been already done. This is not something that is going to change either and now you've just killed yourself!"
I turned from the kid and ran to the door. It was blown inwards and knocked me down. Shellshocked and dazed I was able to stand up. The door was gone and the house was tumbling over.
"Fuck my life." I said.
I ran and jumped out of the building. Behind me it crashed down slowly defying gravity to not land on me. I landed on the second floor of the next house. I crashed through the floor and landed on the counter downstairs.

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