Chapter eleven- You would make a very attractive fox

Start from the beginning

"Is there anything that will change your mind?" I asked. He opened his mouth to refuse, but stopped as if thinking. 

"There is one thing." He said, narrowing his eyes. 

"Anything!" I shouted. 

"I get to call you Taylor-Joelle again." He folded his arms, a smirk on his face. Sam started laughing and Dean let out a deep .


"Fine." I said with a frown. "If that's what it takes." 


Since Halloween was in three days, we left later that day to go get our costumes. We arrived at the store at around five o'clock. I was the only one who walked into the store with a large smile across my face. Cas had that unreadable expression on his face, Dean and Bobby were wearing scowls, and Sam looked bored. 

I looked around the store. It was full of plastic skeletons, cotton spider webs, silicone masks, and Styrofoam jack'o lanterns. All of the usual Halloween stuff. 

Cas walked over to a display of gallons of fake blood and picked up one. 

"This doesn't even look real." He said with a confused look on his face. 

"Why would people waste their money on this crap?" Bobby asked, holding up a fake spider by one of the legs. 

"Oh you guys are so negative." I said with a sigh. 

"Wait- Where's Dean?" Sam asked, setting down a pair of vampire teeth he was looking at, and looking around the store. 

"GAH!" Dean shouted jumping out from behind a shelve of fake bloody heads. He was wearing a clown mask. 

"Shit!" Sam yelled, a horrified expression on his face, and stumbled backwards a bit. All of us started laughing, (Even Cas snickered a bit) except for Sam who just looked pissed off. Dean was crouched over holding his gut from laughing so hard, the mask still on his face. 

"Wow Sam!" I said between breaths. "I would've thought a big guy like you would be afraid of something a little more scary then clowns!" 

"You guys are all ass holes." Sam muttered folding his arms. Dean pulled off the mask and discarded it on a pile of fake pumpkins, a huge smile still on his face. 

"Okay," I said growing a bit more serious. "Lets split up and get this done quick. And remember- None of us can have the same costume." 

"Yeah- ya' hear that Sammy?" Dean asked slapping Sam's arm. "You and TJ can't have matching costumes." Sam rolled his eyes, and walked away. Dean stated laughing and walked in the same direction as his brother. Bobby also walked away. 

I turned to go find my costume, when I heard Cas call my name. 


"Yeah?" I asked turning around. 

"Can you help me? I don't know what to do." He looked slightly embarrassed as he said this which made my lips blossom into a huge smile. I looked around to make sure Dean and Bobby were no where in sight, and grabbed his hand. 

"I have a few ideas for you." I said pulling him along side me. We had been walking around with each other for a good five minutes when we were approached by one of those- so happy it makes you gag- sales people. She was a really short blonde lady. 

"How are you two today!" She said with a huge smile. "Welcome to Halloween City! Can I help you find something?" I nodded. 

"I kind of want to dress him up as a butterfly." I said with a grin. She looked Castiel up and down then stated to giggle. 

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