Chapter Sixty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Peeta rubs my belly back and forth and whispers reassuring things to me.

"Okay, do you have any other symptoms? Any bleeding or back pain?"

"I don't think I'm bleeding but my back hurts pretty bad." I tell her.

"Have you had more than five contractions in the last hour? Are they stopping and starting?"

I cry, "Yes. They weren't bad and now they're every ten minutes or so."

"Okay, I want you to have Peeta bring you up to our office in the next thirty minutes. If you can, I want you and Peeta to throw together a birthing plan."

"How do we do that?" I whine into the phone, wiping snot on my sleeves.

I'm not ready for this.

"You need to say who you would like present during birth if possible, if you want pain medications, the fetal monitoring, if you want Peeta to cut the cord or help deliver the baby, if there's a C-Section what you would like to happen, what you want to do after the baby is born, if you guys need me to I can help make one after diagnosing you." Dr. Coles says and it all overwhelms me even more.

"I can't think about that right now. I just need to know if she's okay." I say, choked up.

Peeta stands up and quickly dresses.

"We are gonna make sure you're both okay. I promise." She says.

"Can we leave now?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm on my way. I live about twenty minutes out but I'll be there soon." She says.

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem. Just keep calm, Katniss." Dr. Coles says and I hang up.

"Peeta, I'm so scared." I cry to him, standing up and finding dizziness.

He rushes over to me and holds my hands.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly.

I shake my head and press my forehead to his chest, "No, I want to go."

"We are. We are. I promise you are going to be okay."

"I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about Willow." I cry harder, my breaths getting heavier as another cramp hits and tightens my belly.

"She's going to be okay too." He says, looking around for some different clothes, helping me quickly change and putting some shoes on my feet.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, seeing how shaky he is.

He shakily nods his head, "I'm just worried about you both."

I sigh and he rubs my back, "Let's go." He says and we do.

When we get into the car, I completely lose it.

"Katniss, please just calm down. You're not making it any better. It snowed a little last night and we have to go all the way across town. I love you but I need you to be quiet." Peeta says calmly.

"In trying to be quiet and calm but it hurts, Peeta!" I scream at him.

"Okay, but we aren't going to get there any quicker if you can't let me drive in somewhat of a peace. I don't want us to have a wreck so please, just try?" Peeta begs and I can tell he is just as terrified as I am.

I nod my head and fix my seatbelt around my belly, even though it makes the tight feeling worse.

Of course this is all happening in the middle of winter.

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