Chapter 28

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to homeroom~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Finnick POV:

     I walk into homeroom and sit in my usual spot with Johanna and Marvel. "So what were you doing with Delly earlier today?" Johanna asks me.

     "What?" I ask.

     "During lunch we saw on Delly's phone. You were hugging and she kissed you on the cheek," Marvel says.

     "Oh that!" I say. "My French teacher asked me if I was willing to tutor Delly. I said yes, we exchanged numbers, and in France generally as a greeting people kiss each other on the cheek, but she did it as a goodbye. There was nothing more going on. Why?"

   "Because Annie wanted to know," Johanna says.

    "Oh my God! Did she see us?" I ask.

    "Yeah," Marvel says.

    "Oh no! Jo, you have to tell her what I was doing. Please," I say.

    "Fine," she says. "I'll tell her after school."

    "Ok. Thank you," I say.

    "Johanna, are you still going to Glimmer's or not?" Marvel asks.

    "Why wouldn't she?" I ask out of confusion.

    "Because you can say that words were said and I might have told everyone to go f themselves," she says. I burst out laughing. Everyone in the room stares at me.

    "Sorry," I say going red in the face. The bell rings. I walk out of the class and to my locker.

Glimmer POV:

     I meet Clove at her locker where Cato is. Marvel comes over and we all walk out. "Cato," I hear someone say. I turn around and see that it's that new Gym teacher, Brutus.

     "Yeah," Cato says turning around.

     "Can you and that other kid help me?" Brutus asks Cato pointing at Marvel. Cato nods. He and Marvel go over to Brutus. They go off somewhere.

     "So are we all still coming over to your place?" Clove asks.

     "I think. I just have something to tell everyone," I say.

     "Ok," Clove says. We walk outside and I hear Johanna talking to Annie.

     "So Finnick was just helping Delly out with some French crap. He's not cheating on you or anything. Ok?"

     "Ok," Annie says.

     "Do you believe that?" I ask Clove because I know she was listening to their conversation too.

     "Not for a second. It's Delly. Should we talk to Annie?" Clove says.

     "Of course," I say. I see Johanna walk away from Annie. Clove and I walk over to her. "Hey, Annie," we say.

     "Hi, guys!" she says.

     "So we overheard you and Johanna talking about Finnick and Delly. Do you honestly believe her?" I ask.

     "Of course! Why would Johanna lie about this?" Annie says.

     "Because she is Finnick's best friend. Of course she is just covering his ass," Clove says.

     "He is totally cheating on you. No one would actually tutor Delly. They would just sleep with her. Trust me I would know."

     "Clove, I know that Cato cheated on you, but Finnick's not Cato," Annie says.

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