Chapter 25

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Johanna POV:

     I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I throw it across my room and hear it shatter. "Johanna, what the hell was that?" I hear my mom yell.

     "Nothing, Mom," I growl. I roll out of bed and land on the floor. I walk into my bathroom, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I walk back into my room and go to my closet. I grab a red and navy plaid shirt, a navy blue tank top, and dark wash jeans. I go into my bathroom again and change. I brush my hair and put it in two braided pigtails. I walk into my room and put on gray combat boots. I know it's cold, so I grab a red vest and a gray hat. I run down the stairs and grab whatever my mom made for breakfast. I sit down at the table and eat my waffles. After breakfast, I grab my backpack and get in my car. I pull into a parking spot at school and get out. I see Cato, Clove, Glimmer, Marvel, Gale, Finnick, and Annie all standing on the front steps. I walk over to them. "Where is Katniss and Peeta?" I ask. They all shrug. "Gale, don't Peeta and Katniss ride with you sometimes?"

     "Yeah, I texted him this morning and he said he felt sick and was not coming to school today and tomorrow. Katniss said she was having cramps and couldn't walk, so she would come in later or not at all," Gale says.

     "Ok," I say.

     "We better get to our lockers," Clove says. We all walk to our lockers. I get to mine, put my stuff in, and go to Science. I take my seat next to Cato.

     "What do you think Moron's gonna teach us today?" I ask.

     "I don't know nor do I care," Cato says. The bell rings and Mr. Moron walks in. "Students, today Dr. Aurelius, your counselor, is going to talk to about something very serious. After he does, I will explain more of Mr. Crane's new program. So here is Dr. Aurelius." Dr. Aurelius steps up to the front of the classroom.

     "Good morning, students. So I'm sure you all know Peeta Mellark." Oh my God! Did he die? Cato and I look at each with a panicked look. Cato gives me a slight shrug and with both face the front. "Well, I don't know if any of you have heard about this yet, but Peeta's mom was shot and killed yesterday." Everyone in the class gasps. "I'm not going to tell you why or any other details, you'll have to talk to Peeta about that yourselves. So I need you all to be extremely nice to Peeta and I want you all to make cards or something to Peeta for the next few minutes. You will turn them into this basket and we have someone who will deliver them to his house. Mr. Moron will pass out the paper to you." Mr. Moron hands me green paper and Cato red paper.

     "I can't believe she's dead. He didn't like her much, but it was his mom," Cato says.

     "He always said I wish she was dead," I say. "He got his wish."

     "All of this is making me sick. I can't make a stupid card for him! What would you write on it anyways? 'I'm sorry your mom is dead, but there is nothing I can do. Best wishes,'!" Cato says really loudly. Most of the class is looking at us.

      "Johanna, take Cato into the hall please," Dr. Aurelius says. I nod. I grab Cato's arm and take him into the hallway. He punches his locker few times. He kicks then too.

      "What's wrong with you?" I ask. He just slides down in front of his locker. He puts his head in his hands.

      "I dunno. I just feel like we need to actually do something for him. Not send him a card we did in third grade for someone when they had the flu," he says--well at least I think, it was muffled because of his hands.

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