Chapter 2

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✷ chapter 2 ✷

✷ Natalie

"So how was the first day of your dance class?" Chris questioned once we got into the car after my class was over.

"It was amazing and seeing all the students I have already in my class it's even more amazing." I told him.

After a couple of seconds he pulled off.

"That's great. Where do you wanna eat?" He asked looking over at me a little bit.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know surprise me."

"Okay. I hope you don't mind but tonight I'm going out." Chris told me.

"I don't actually can I come?" I asked grabbing my phone and unlocking it.

"Nah, it's actually for work purposes so I don't think you should come unless you wanna be bored the entire night." He explained to me.

"Oh don't worry I'll just drag Amanda along with us." I reminded him.

Amanda is still the same crazy person but she has a boyfriend and a son now. I guess you can say things worked out for her after losing our mother a half a year ago.

"Baby, you shouldn't go. Don't you have dance class early in the morning?" He asked making me get suspicious.

"Yeah but it's not un-" I started to say before he cut me off.

"Okay then you need your rest." He said grabbing my hand and rubbing it.

"Oh okay." I said with an eyebrow raised.

Is he hiding something from me? No he can't be. Chris has always been honest.

"I love you." Chris said kissing my hand sweetly.

I blushed a little bit.

Chris then pulled into a parking spot in front of Royal, a local restaurant.

My eyes lit up once I seen that we were here. "My favorite place to eat!" I exclaimed hopping out of the car.

"Woah! Slow down girl , you might slip and fall on your face." Chris joked making me roll my eyes playfully.

"You might wanna stop playing before your big ass head roll off your neck." I said letting out a giggle.

He made a pouty face before slapping my butt.

"Ow.." I said rubbing my butt.

"That's what you get for making fun of daddy." He said making me laugh.

"Whatever lets go in." I told him before heading up the building.

He followed behind me closely.

Once we went in we were immediately seated because he's Chris Brown of course 😂

I caught Chris staring at me a couple of times.

"What?" I asked him with a goofy look on my face.

"You're so beautiful and you're mine." He said with a smile.

I blushed again turning red. "Yeah and you're all mine too."

"You got that right." He said grabbing my hand from across the table and holding it.

Before I could say anything else the waiter walked up to the table making us both go silent.

When I looked up I was stunned by how good looking the waiter looks. I mean he looks like a damn model. He's cute but he has nothing on Chris. He soon started looking at me too.

"Hello, have you taken a look at the menu?" He questioned with a smile as he looked down at me.

I shook my head no as Chris gave me a mean look.

"No we haven't." He said through gritted teeth.

"Well while you two look at the menus I will be getting your beverages. What would you like to drink?" He asked still staring at me.

"I just want water." I told him with a sweet smile.

He nodded his head and looking over at Chris.

"And you?" He asked rudely with a smirk on his face.

"Just get me water too." Chris said rolling his eyes at him.

"Okay I'll be back with your drinks." He said before walking off and not before winking at me which I'm sure Chris caught.

I looked at Chris once before grabbing my menu and opening it up.

I mean it's not like I did anything bad. All I did was look at him and smile. Clearly Chris thought different.

"What looks good to you?" I asked him while looking up at him with the same look on his face.

He stayed silent not even bothering to answer my question.

"Do you want something with chicken in it?" I asked him again looking up at him.

He rolled his eyes before snatching the menu out of my hand.

"What the hell was that Natalie?" He asked clearly pissed off.

"Um eye contact." I told him with a duh time.

He smacked his lips.

"Yeah right that nigga was practically undressing you with his eyes!" Chris snapped making people turn to look at us.

The restaurant is filled with old people not mind their own business.

"Well I have no control over that Chris." I answered back smartly.

"Man , whatever lets just order our food and be out of this place." He mumbled picking up his menu.

He's always making a big deal out of nothing.

A couple of minutes later and the waiter came back up to the table.

"Okay here you guys go." He said setting our drinks down on the table.

I'm not even gonna look at him this time.

"Thank you." I mumbled with my eyes still on the menu.

"What would you guys like to eat?" He questioned.

I could feel his eyes burning a hole through the side of my face.

Chris decided to speak first.

"We would like chicken Alfredo." He stated bluntly.

"Okay so that's for you..what about this beautiful lady here." The waiter said flirting a little bit.

I couldn't help but blush a little bit and I tried to hide it but Chris seen it.

"She wants the same." Chris said slightly grabbing my leg under the table.

I jumped a little bit and nodded.

"Yeah I want the same." I confirmed with a head nod.

"Okay." He said giving Chris a look and walking off.

I looked at Chris to see his eye twitching and then I knew that he was about to blow my head off yelling at me later.

The waiter in Mm 😍 (he'll come into the story later)

Hope everyone had a great Fourth of July! How did you guys spend your day?

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Xoxo - msfanfictional 😊💥

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