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How do you cope, How do you react to your world crashing in, when you can no longer tread the water of your stress and tears.

You sink to the bottom of your ocean floor, so far under it's a pitch of black you have never known before, light is extinct here in this place as is sight.

The darkness is staggering as if to consume your very soul and any hope you may have left of swimming, fighting your way back up.

How do you begin to let go of your foundation, because the cracks are to big and too deep to patch, but it's not even gone yet.

How do you watch someone you love slowly lose there mind, One day they are screaming at you and the next, they don't even remember the event, because they are slowly going insane.

Nothing in life is forever, death is but one of two certainties, and to watch it consume someone you love is a fate i would not wish on my worst enemy.

It is a cruel and unforgiving reaper this particular angel of death, as it sits back waits and bides it's time. feeding of the turmoil it creates

Time i hate, and yet it's the same time i thank god for every morning for granting it to us, just a little more time to see him to spend with him, yet i digress

How do you let go of a father, and if i can not, then when the time dose come what will come and consume me inside this pitch black sea,  will i be able to get back to the surface?

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