April 1, 2013

20 2 0

Hey this is Brittanee. 

So let me tell you a little about my day. So I got up early at 8:15. But I really didn't want to get up early because my sleep was sooooo goood and my alarm was the one to wake me up >.> Don't you hate when that happens? But anyways, I got ready, then went to the movies to watch the host. After I went to Menchies which is this frozen yogurt place and it is AMAZING and CHEAP! lol Then I got to go to the mall where I walked around and stuff. I got bubble tea, yeup that's right :D And then my aunt bought me Jordans.... lmao My cousins think im going to turn into a shoe head but that won't happen :P But yeah after, we got my favorite food in the world. PASTA! lmao but yeah that was my day (:

Now you may be wondering how that has to do anything with this book? Well let me tell you something. Everyday of my life, I'm either studying, writing, at poker night with family but still doing school work. I really never get to go out and do things I want to do. Especially since I'm not of age yet and my Filipino family is very strict on things. So yeah, my point is I took a very much needed mental break. 

Are you always doing something? You may find yourself being overly stressed and doing too much at one time. It's always good to slow it down a bit and enjoy your day. You need to have a little you time and what better way to do that than hanging around people that you love and doing things that you always wanted to do or things you haven't done in a long time? 

There are going to be days where you are lazy but that lazy day could spare you a lot of reduction on stress. It's never good to over work yourself and it's fine to give yourself a little vacation. Give yourself time to breathe.

Let me know what you did today! Did you give yourself a free day to breathe too? if so, then let me know what you did also! :) 

Your Daily PostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora