April 14, 2013

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Okay so on this day I went to go to a BUNCH of places lmao but anyways let me tell ya what I did (: So that night we were still at the cousins and I watched A hunted house which was freaking hilarious in my opinion lol have you seen it? Anyway yeah so I took a nap before we left but I woke up out of no where having the urge to throw up... Ever happen to you? But yeah I didn't >.> Okay so later on that day we were supposed to go to a Carnival but we never did.. umm it was too expensive and not really worth it. So we went to MC Donald's and bought some food lol Then went to rita's and bought some Italian Ice. Then we had to go back home to pick up my uncle because we were going to go to my cousins house. My Uncle starts flipping out because we were late and everything... I hate it when adults fight.. Don't you? I mean you should fight when there is no family around and it's on your own time.. don't start acting out in front of people. Most of my life i've dealt with this but you don't want your family seeing that. Okay anyways so we get to my cousins house and me and my girl cousin end up walking in the neighborhood.. then I ate my MCDonald's and then went to play football with the guys. SO I am not that good at football and the guys treated me like I was one of the boys.. basically they were slamming my shoulders to try to get me to go down... stupid idiots lmao but yeah we ended up walking around outside again and blasting music and what not. The good life lmao jk but yeah I told my cousin (cuz it was night) and stuff what if a hot guy just walks down the street and starts talking to us? And we started laughing and joking around about that but it was funny and everything. We ended up going home and then I ended up answering advice before sleeping. What would you consider a perfect day? :P

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