Chapter 12

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We went back into the big school gates and I spotted Zayn near the fountain with his blonde friend, Niall was it?

"So I'll see you around?" Harry said.

I nodded and we went into separate directions. With Harry going to Zayn Niall and me going towards Dani.

"Where have you been lately?" Dani asked.

I fiddled with my fingers and then sighed, deciding that I should just tell her the truth.

"I just came back from lunch with Harry." I said calmly.

Dani stared at me as if I had a gorilla on my head.

"Harry?! The idiot boyfriend you once had?" She asked.

I nodded slowly.

"We're just friends, I already have a boyfriend." I held my breath, scared of her reaction.

She stared at me with big eyes.


"Zayn..." I replied.

"Zayn?" She repeated.

I nodded.

"Zayn?" She said again.

I nodded. Again.

"Zayn. As in Zayn Malik?" She asked.

I nodded once again and Dani was staring at me with her mouth open.

"Why?" I questioned.

She looked to the ground and then back at me.

"Nothing." She gulped and mustered up a smile, "the thought of you two just never crossed my mind."


It was her! Skylynn! My own friend! I couldn't do this to her but I had to. Zayn told me last lesson if I could distract his girlfriend while he did something. I said no only because I had things to do myself. So if Sky was with Harry all lunch did that mean he was distracting her? What was Zayn up to?

"One question." I asked.

Sky looked down on her phone and answered, "yeah?"

"Did Harry just ask u to go out to lunch randomly?"

She looked up at me.

"Yeah I guess so, he said he just wanted to be friends again though. Why you asking?"

"Just curious." I answered back.

There's something happening here and I had to find out what Zayn is up to.


Lunch break was over and actually I was glad that it was over, after I told Dani about Zayn and me she started to act a little weird.

I went into my art class and saw Zayn was already in there so I took a seat next to him.

"Hey." I said while sitting down.

He smiled back and I got out my canvas.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Zayn's piece of art.

One word. Amazing.

I stared at it in awe and Zayn saw me staring.

"Like it?" He asked.

Liked it?! I loved it! He had drawn a microphone with musical notes around it and it looked beyond amazing.

I then looked at my piece and felt ashamed so I covered it with my arms.

"So your into music?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded.

"Yep. Always have been." He said.

"Do you sing?"

"A little." He replied.

I smiled at him, who would've known that Zayn Malik, the guy I once hated, had hidden talents?

"Go on. Sing me a line." I persuaded.

"What? Now? Nope, not here in front if everyone I'm not." He said, picking up a pencil and adding a few details.

We spent the rest of the lesson laughing about, also I found a lot of new interesting facts about Zayn.

When lesson was over Zayn walked me to my locker and we went back to our house, hand in hand.

"Lunch with Harry was a bit awkward then?" Zayn asked.

I smiled.

"Actually it wasn't. It felt kinda normal, as if we did this all the time. But it was kinda weird because after all those days today he decided to ask me. Weird right?" I asked.

Zayn stayed silent.

"Maybe he just found his courage today, or maybe he thought today would be a good day for both of you." Zayn defended.

I didn't question why he was making up excuses for Harry, I just nodded.

We came to our doorstep and as soon as Zayn unlocked the door his phone rang.

I went inside and let Zayn take his call.

After a few minutes Zayn came inside with a frown on his face.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Listen, I just got to quickly drop off something to my Mum's house. You'll be alright on your own won't you?" He asked.

"Or I could just come with you." I suggested.

"No, no. I don't think that's a good idea, I'll be right back I promise." Zayn said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and exiting the door.

He acted strange just then but I shrugged it off anyways.


Harry just called me saying Danielle was so close to finding out what's happening.

I got into my car and my phone rang. It was Harry.

"Where the heck are you?!"
"I'm on my way."
"Well hurry up and bring your lazy ass to my place. If Dani doesn't get any answers soon she might explode."
"I'm coming, I'm coming."

I ended the call and a few minutes later I was at Harry's house.

I knocked on his door and within seconds it was open. But it wasn't Harry who opened the door, it was Eleanor.

"Shall we tell her or not?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't know yet, where is she?"

She pointed towards the living room and I made my way there.

"Finally! Can someone just explain to me what the heck is happening here?! Are you, Harry and Eleanor doing something got to do with Sky or what?! Just explain!"

I took in a deep breath, I guess I have to go with the truth.

So I explained everything. Everything. But I had this guilty gut feeling because I knew after tonight, when Dani tells Sky everything, she'll hate me forever.

Do I really need the money? I knew for sure that I was getting more and more attached to Sky day by day but I didn't know what to do.

"So I asked Harry to distract her today. I guess you'd want to go now because you think I'm an idiot- which I am. But it desperately need the money--"

"Can I join you?" Dani interupted.

I stared at her with my mouth open but Harry and Eleanor smirked.

.......never know who you can trust. Looks like Eleanor is on the bad side after all.. 😝 VOTE AND COMMENT PLSSS!

Leave Me Alone // Zayn Malik FanFic Where stories live. Discover now