Chapter 10

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We went inside and I popped myself on the couch. Zayn got out some drinks and sat down beside me. We switched on the TV and the latest Vampire Diaries episode was on.

"Great." I said, sitting up straight and smiling, "I love this show."

"Great." Zayn said, "I love this show too!" With a hint of sarcasm.

I smiled and rolled my eyes at him.

We were 25 minutes into the show.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, "no!"

"Oh my god! No!" Zayn mimicked.

I slapped him gently and just then his phone rang. The Caller ID said Niall. Hold on... Wasn't that the blonde guy I met earlier on..?

"Er.. I gotta take this, it's my Mum." He said, exiting the room.

I nodded and thought for a while. Seriously? The least he could do was lie to me. I mean, he saw that I saw the ID yet he blatantly lied right to my face. I decided that I wasn't going to speak about the whole Niall thing. I'll just play along and see if he lies even more or coughs up the truth.

2 minutes later Zayn came back into the room, he had a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with your mum?" I asked.

He sighed and fiddled with his hands, sitting down beside me.

"Okay. I'm not gonna lie- even though I already did. I'm sure we both know that you saw the ID and that was definitely not my Mum." He confessed.

I nodded, "unless your Mum's name is Niall like the blonde dude I met before- do you know him?"

"Yeah, Niall's a friend. And you met up with him before? When?" He asked.

I grabbed the remote and put the volume down.

"Just a few hours ago." I said.

Zayn nodded and his phone buzzed. He read the text and I was looking at his face the whole time. After reading the text he seemed... Tensed?

I sat up straight, "Zayn is something wrong? You seemed a little tense after reading that text."

He bit his lip, "you know, I think you should go to the grocery shop or something. I mean, we are out of food."

He ignored my question. What on earth is going on?

"Yh whatever, I'll go tomorrow. But you know, if there's something wrong you can tell me."

Just then the front door opened and closed.

"Shit." Zayn cursed, "quick go into the kitchen."

I was worried and confused, "no Zayn what the hell-"

I was cut off when a blonde girl came into the living room.

I was assuming it was Zayn's sister or something but when she gave him a quick kiss on the lip I wasn't so sure...

"Hey. Haven't seen you in a few days, have you missed me?" The girl said, jumping into Zayn's arms.

He stood there awkwardly. And I was standing there with my mouth open. He had a Girlfriend?

The blonde saw me and smiled.

"Hey, I'm Perrie. You are..?" She asked with a smile. Ugh.

I grabbed my purse and stared at Zayn while he avoided my gaze. History just has to repeat with me doesn't it?!

"And I am about to leave." I said to this Perrie girl, exiting the room and slamming the front door shut.

Except I didn't leave, I sat on his doorstep and cried my eyes out.

Leave Me Alone // Zayn Malik FanFic Where stories live. Discover now