Chapter 14: Around the Island (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Julie kept her teeth clenched. She wanted to ask. She made a note to add going to his work to her list of stuff to do. That wouldn't be weird to visit him there. Only, she didn't even know where he worked. Why had she never asked before? Maybe she had, and she had forgotten.

"I can eat the fruit and eggs left from Jamie. Please don't worry about me."

"Oh, okay. If you're sure, honey. You look tired. You have bad circles under your eyes." She sounded disappointed that she couldn't do anything for her. She sat down, watching with a small frown.

All Julie needed was for her to tell her the truth.

But she didn't have the guts to say what she was thinking. After a minute, she settled on asking, "So where is Jamie this morning?"

"Oh, he went with your father to do some filing for him."

She choked on a piece of orange. "What? Jamie filing?"

"Yeah, I know." Andromeda smiled at her. "Jamie may want to go into the same business your father and I used to be in after he gets out of school."

She said the last few words tightly, almost choked out. She wasn't happy with any of this. So Jamie got to work, and Andromeda didn't. Interesting. Maybe she should add sexist bastard island town to the list of possibilities.

"So what kind of stuff is Jamie filing anyway? Could I help? Is it like a summer job?"

"Umm, it's stuff for Dad's work. Client folders and things." She looked away to stare outside. "He didn't ask you since he figured you'd want to dance instead. Also, there is only enough work for one person."

The kitchen was silent for a few minutes as Julie picked at her food. She was so freaked out most of the time that she could barely eat a few bites of food. She must have lost five pounds this week. "I agree with you about the kitchen though. You know I have never liked yellow a lot."

The older woman's face pinched up, eyes welling with tears. Julie dropped her fork. It clattered against the white square plate.

"What's wrong?" She asked, feeling her stomach shrivel into a tiny knot. Does she know I know?

"But your room is yellow! Why didn't you say anything?" Andromeda slapped her forehead. "You shouldn't have to, that's why. I'm your mom, and I know you don't like yellow. We will paint your room today!"

Julie reeled back from the manic look in her eyes.

What if she was the sane one and all of them were crazy?

"I can get dressed, and we can spend all day talking about what color to paint it. The hardware store can make any color. This will be fun! We will paint your room over and over until we find the right color. We have the whole summer." She came over to hug her.

Julie coughed. Andromeda may not have showered in three days. Julie didn't return the hug.

She had to get away. She couldn't spend all day with her. She was scared to let them know she might suspect something. Hanging around all day, talking and painting seemed like a terrible idea. "Let me go shower and get changed."

"Okay, honey, I'll shower too!" She laughed and spun around. The movement caused a whiff of stale sweat to waft off her unwashed body. Julie's mouth dropped open as she tried to hold back a gagging noise. She felt like she was going to lose her tiny breakfast.

"Good." She stood up from the table, eager to get out of the smelly kitchen. "Uh, I will meet you back here in a few minutes."

Julie raced up the stairs, thinking fast. As she grabbed some clean clothes, an idea came to her.

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