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Todays match was against Manchester United always a tough game against them from their talent and from how the fans treated alessia after joining Arsenal
Walking out of the tunnel onto the pitch you could feel your heartbeat going crazy but it was partially excitement and partially anxiety
Your mascot this match was a cute little girl named Josie she was only two so you found it easier to carry her onto the pitch for the picture
Once the game begins very tough on the Arsenal defense causing you to have three people on you trying to score a goal
"Dammit Leah help" you yell sending Leah the ball trying to get the three players to stop tugging your shirt
The ref blows the whistle giving you a free kick for the tugging
Caitlin and Katie were yelling at the opponents for pulling on you
Leah and Steph checked up on you
"Hey are you alright" Leah asks
"Yea le I'm sorry for yelling at you they just would let go of me" you say
Leah pulls you in for a hug
"Hey no worries I should have been there" Leah says
Steph pats your cheek
"We won't let them get you again" Steph says
If Manchester United wants to play dirty Arsenal will play dirty
Katie and Vic were taking out people left and right which really started to upset Molly turner because no whistles were being blown on Arsenal only on Manchester United
Milky saw this as a moment and ran down the left of the field shooting for the goal you hit her head on out dribbling her and passing the ball off to Steph when you feel yourself fall hitting the field face first knocking the wind out of you then you feel someone step on your ankle
You scream out in pain clutching your foot screaming
In a flash Leah has grabbed milky off of you shoving her to the ground
"Don't you ever fucking touch her again turner or I swear" Leah gets caught off by Katie yanking her away as Ella grabbed milly
Kyra was by your side immediately holding your ankle for you as Katie and Caitlin are trying to console you
"Hey hey love breath through your nose out your mouth" Caitlin says putting her hand on your chest trying to help stop the hyperventilating
"Le where's le" you ask in panic
Leah rushes sitting behind you letting you lay your weight on her
Medics are assessing your ankle taking it out of kyras hold
You hold onto Leah for dear life
"Hey love I've gotcha I've gotcha" Leah says kissing your sweaty head
Tears still streaming down your face
With everything going on you miss milky getting a red card and being throw out of the game with all the fans booing her
"Her ankle is broken she's gonna need surgery we need to move her now" the medic urges
Leah helps lift you up
"Please stay with me le" you beg its tears
Leah follows the stretcher onto the ambulance for the ride to the hospital
Once at the hospital you get prepped for emergency surgery Leah not leaving your side till your taken back to surgery
Leah paces around the waiting room almost the whole surgery then after awhile Alessia and the girls join Leah in the waiting room
"I'm calling Serena that was so uncalled for" Leah says angrily
"Hey don't let this bother you we just need to wait for y/n/n to get out of surgery Leah" Alessia says softly forcing Leah to sit back down
After awhile a nurse comes out to take them to your post operation recovery room
They see your foot and ankle and some of your leg until your knee in a cast with metal rods sticking out
You groggily whine in pain
Leah brushes the sweat stuck hair out of your face
"Hey love bug I'm here just like I promised" Leah says
Katie and Caitlin drape a blanket they bought for you over your cold body knowing how you are naturally always cold
"It hurts" you whine
Kyra and Alessia go to ask a nurse what to do for you
You spend the next two days in the hospital with the Arsenal girls by your side and Leah moved you into her apartment not wanting you to be alone while in a boot and on Crutches

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