Chapter 62

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"But what would happen if the lord drinks to the point of unconsciousness? What are you going to do if the barbarians invade at a time like this?"

At those words, Asha suddenly stirred.

"They~ invaded? my sword! I ha~ve to leave ri~ght now..... !"

"No, no. I said what if......I was wrong. I was kidding, calm down."

Even though he held her arms, Asha continued to struggle, so Carlisle hugged her.

"Calm down. I said it was a joke."

Asha, who had been flinching in his arms, gradually relaxed as Carlisle patted her back to calm her. Carlisle felt Asha's breath hot on the back of his neck.

"Oh! Tha~nk you~."

Asha, who had been excited about having to go out to kill the enemies just now, suddenly calmed down and thanked him. Although it was difficult to follow the stream of consciousness of a drunk person, Carlisle decided to endure it, considering it a punishment for appearing on the balcony.

"There are more than one or two things to be thankful for. Which one are you thankful for?"

"If it~ weren't for your~ highness.... Har~vest Festi~val......I couldn't have~ done it........"

In the meantime, Asha couldn't stop laughing.

"Are you happy with the contract you made with me?"

"Yes~....Your Ma~jesty........Perva~z was saved. Rea~lly........"

"It was you who saved Pervaz. I just paid the money."

Carlisle spoke a little indifferently, but Asha still laughed happily.

"We~ll, it's thi~s ex~pensive...... I didn't know~......"

"Well, you should think of it as investing in the future."

It's value as a great shield to protect him against the Empress. Still, Asha shook her head as if feeling sorry.

"Sti~ll.........Your~ Ma~jesty......It'ssss a loss for~ you......."

"That's right. In fact, if you helped me this much, shouldn't you at least want to shower me with kisses every time you see me? I think it would be difficult to be that blunt every day."

Carlisle was making jokes to keep the conversation light as he sensed Asha getting a little sad. But hearing Carlisle's words, Asha suddenly straightened her face and raised her head.

"Isss tha~t so....?"

Carlisle thought he had said something wrong and hurt Asha's feelings. Because Asha's expression was very suspicious. Since she was not supposed to show weakness to someone like Carlisle, she did not avoid his gaze. But he didn't expect Asha would put one of her arms on his shoulder.

'What? Is she going to hit me?'

Carlisle unconsciously clenched his jaw. But the next moment, Asha placed her other hand on his cheek and forcefully crashed her lips against his.


His first thought was that his front teeth were about to fall out. Carlisle was trying to figure out why Asha had attacked him like this, and he remembered what he had said about how she should shower him with kisses.  

'If I ask her to kiss me again, I will bleed.'

But as few seconds passed and the shock of the collision subsided, Carlisle came to his senses, he realised that Asha's lips were still on his lips. That she was clinging to him like she was desperate. Perhaps she wanted to return the favour in some way.

Age of arrogance novel (machine translated with some grammatical edits)Where stories live. Discover now